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eGuide to the Greening of Higher Education

Ilustracija globusa, rastlin, eksperimenta, raziskav in učenja v oblačku.

Photo: Nino Volf

Today we hear the phrases "green transition" and "sustainable development" at every step, but at the same time we see that the understanding of "green", "greening" and "sustainable" can be very different. In Slovenia, the basic starting point for understanding the "green transition" and "sustainable development" are undoubtedly the fundamental international acts in this area, which are also binding for Slovenia: the European Green Deal and the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, which are interconnected, but each has its own goals.

What does the greening of higher education mean?

In this eGuide we understand it as a transformation of all areas of the higher education ecosystem in a sustainable way:

  1. teaching and curriculum
  2. knowledge production (research and innovation)
  3. service to society
  4. governance:
    • infrastructure aspect
    • organizational aspect

This eGuide, which will be constantly updated, since this field is developing very quickly, represents a joint effort of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation and the Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Energy, with the support of Climate KIC, to contribute to a common understanding and promotion of greening of higher education in Slovenia. It also contains an eGlossary which aims to define as clearly as possible, in more than 120 entries, general concepts in the broad field of green transition and sustainable development. This eGuide also provides international guidelines, information on current processes of systemic support for the greening of higher education in Slovenia and some guidelines on how to approach the greening of higher education, as well as examples from the Slovenian higher education area.
