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In this section you will find examples of greening approaches of different Slovenian higher education institutions. In the examples presented, we have tried to capture the diversity of the Slovenian higher education aera, which includes both public and private higher education institutions, large and small, and have tried to group the examples into the five sections you see in the top row: whole-institution approach; teaching and curriculum; research and innovation; service to society and governance.

The examples are intended to provide insight and perhaps inspiration, although solutions are never directly transferable to another setting, as circumstances are always different.

This section will be regularly updated (also with the cases from ongoing pilot projects in the Reform of Higher Education for a Green and Resilient Transition to Society 5.0). If you would like to share an interesting case of greening in your higher education institution in one of the categories below, please contact us: And please remember: obstacles and failures on your road to sustainability are also very valuable sources that you and others can learn from, so please also share those with us.