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Energy efficiency in public buildings: a total of EUR 128 million has been made available from the EU Cohesion Fund, of which EUR 25 million under financial instruments and EUR 103 million in EU grants. The measure aims to increase energy efficiency in the public sector. The funds supporting the measures to increase energy efficiency in state-owned buildings are allocated via the instrument of direct approval of operations following a prior decision on the eligibility of calls for proposals to be announced by the Ministry of Infrastructure. The measures to increase energy efficiency in municipality-owned buildings are to be approved through public calls for proposals.

Energy efficiency in the household sector: a total of EUR 6.2 million is available from the EU Cohesion fund in the form of grants, of which EUR 1.2 million will be through the Integrated Territorial Investments (ITI) mechanism, which is intended for urban municipalities. Based on the call for proposals, the Association of Urban Municipalities of Slovenia (ZMOS) conducts a preliminary selection of projects that are subsequently approved via the instrument of direct approval of the operation. EUR 5 million in EU cohesion funds have been earmarked for tackling the issue of energy poverty.

To Promote the production and distribution of energy from renewable sources, EUR 55 million is available from the EU Cohesion fund. The incentives are provided through public calls for proposals.

Development and use of smart distribution systems: grants in the amount of EUR 11.5 million have been made available from the EU Cohesion Fund to be allocated through public calls for proposals.