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eLegislation is a concept of a common digital environment that gathers various projects aiming at a comprehensive and systematic digital transformation of the process of planning, drafting, adopting and evaluating legislation in the Republic of Slovenia.


eLegislation project aims to achieve the following objectives:

  • To ensure greater accessibility, responsiveness and uniformity of IT tools that support legislative activity;
  • To foster the optimization of work processes and to achieve better working outcomes by using advanced digital technologies;
  • To improve transparency in drafting legislation, to enhance public consultation and to lift the quality of legislation to a higher level;
  • To increase the possibilities to adapt to the latest social changes and technical progress;
  • To enhance the confidence in law.


eLegislation is an umbrella project combining the following:

  • the establishment of a Modular Open Platform for Electronic Documents (MOPED-DOC) supporting key steps in drafting legislation: the justification of the need for legislative action and preliminary planning (e-plan module), the impact assessment (e-RIA module), legislative drafting (e-editor), the preparation of other decision-making documents (e-material);
  • upgrading of the system of compliance with EU law and notification (e-notification module);
  • the establishment of a procedural component supporting the cooperation between subjects involved in the regulatory and legislative process (MOPED-FLOW), including the public consultation (e-democracy);
  • the introduction of Akoma Ntoso standard – LegalDocumentXML) to ensure interoperability of data and services;
  • the establishment of a system for monitoring the achievement of legislative goals (e-evaluation module);
  • the establishment of an interoperability framework for the standardisation of spatial acts and other general legal acts on spatial planning (ePA);
  • upgrading of the Legal Information System of the Republic of Slovenia to reflect the results of the abovementioned projects, including the deployment of an application programming interface (API) and the integration of the European Legislative Identifier (ELI).

The project is financed by means of the Recovery and Resilience Fund (RRF) and through the national budget. Additional EU funding is also planned for specific projects.

Main challenges of the eLegislation project were presented at the Slovenian Legal Conference "United in Practice" organized during the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU. The corresponding contribution "eLegislation in the Republic of Slovenia: who, what, how, why” is published in the conference proceedings.