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  • SESAR (Single European Sky Air Traffic Management Research) projects encompass joint projects that will contribute to the successful implementation of the Air Traffic Management Master Plan and are aimed at upgrading the system, increasing security and connecting the SESAR project with its implementation. SESAR coordinates the dedicated SESAR Joint Undertaking.

  • eGAFOR


    The project encompasses the deployment of the Electronic General Aviation Forecast (eGAFOR), as low-level flights (LLF) are the most critical part of aviation in terms of safety, and meteorological support (MET) is fragmented and inconsistent.



    The SLOWAM project encompasses the acquisition and implementation of the Wide Area Multilateration System for air traffic management and control. As part of the project, the technology used in aircraft positioning was set up.

  • ATM Data 'as a service'


    The project encompassed a technical feasibility study to develop and confirm the centralised concept of processing aircraft information and data for operative use and distribution. The study included the concept development, the implementation of the demo version and a cost-benefit analysis.

  • The project relates to the Ljubljana Airport that is part of the core TEN-T network. The project involved the implementation of the Initial Airport Operation Plan that improved the efficiency of airport operations through real-time data sharing.