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The project focuses on overcoming barriers to meeting EU recycling targets and achieving full implementation of the Waste Management and Waste Prevention Programme of the Republic of Slovenia.
The project introduces an integrated set of complementary technical, digital, environmental, social and circular solutions to unlock the full potential of the programme, maximise material self-sufficiency and achieve increased circular returns in the waste and resource sector.

The project aims to:

  • Provide a permanent mechanism to evaluate and update the waste management and prevention programme based on digital, technical and social excellence

  • Present 6 circular solutions for several problematic and large-scale waste streams as best examples for the implementation of the objectives

  • Ensure wider acceptance of the best available solutions and achieve coherent and integrated implementation of the waste targets

Project objectives:

  • Reduce CO2 emissions by 12 % through improved handling
  • Waste reduction of 2.5 %
  • Increase the recovery of non-hazardous construction waste by 2.5 %
  • Reduction of non-hazardous waste from thermal processes by 50 %
  • Increase the recycling rate of municipal waste by 4.5 %
  • Reduced consumption of non-metallic mineral raw materials by 7 %
  • Improvement of 5 % of the land area
  • 15 % increase in green jobs

Coordinating Beneficiary

1. Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Energy of the Republic of Slovenia

Associated Beneficiaries

2. Zavod za gradbeništvo (ZAG)

3. Dravske elektrarne Maribor d.o.o. (DEM)

4. SOL.LEX.SUS d.o.o.

5. University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical faculty (UL - BL)

6. Result d.o.o. (RES)

7. Georudeko d.o.o. (GRE)

8. Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia (CCIS)

9. Deltaplan d.o.o.

10.. Nerinvest d.o.o.

11. RGP d.o.o.

12. Institute for Hydraulic Research (Hidroinštitut)

13. Nigrad d.o.o.

14. Institut Jožef Stefan (JSI)

15. Geological Survey of Slovenia (GeoZS)

16. CEROP d.o.o.