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The Diplomatic Conference for the Adoption of the Convention on International Cooperation in the Investigation and Prosecution of Genocide, Crimes against Humanity, War Crimes and other International Crimes was held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, from 15 to 26 May 2023.

The Ljubljana-The Hague Convention was adopted at the 18th Plenary Session of the MLA Diplomatic Conference in Ljubljana on 26 May 2023 and represents a landmark international treaty that will help to deliver justice to victims of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. The adoption of the Convention seizes a historic opportunity to strengthen international legal cooperation. The Convention is expected to significantly reduce impunity for perpetrators of crimes.

Closing session live stream

Recording of the closing session is available on the YouTube page of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs.

Opening speeches, press conference and photogallery

Recordings of the opening speeches at the start of the diplomatic conference (15 May 2023) are available on the YouTube page of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs.

Recording of the press conference (15 May 2023) is available on the Facebook page of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs.

Formal opening photogallery.

Video address of the MLA Conference by the German Minister for Justice, Marco Buschmann

What was the aim of the Diplomatic Conference?

The purpose of the Diplomatic Conference was to formally negotiate the adoption of the MLA Convention. The Diplomatic Conference was a key step in the MLA initiative, which is led by Slovenia, together with Argentina, Belgium, Mongolia, the Netherlands and Senegal ("the initiating countries"). 80 countries from all over the world support the MLA initiative.


53 Supporting States participated in the conference, 15 States attended as observers. Seven international organisations and 10 civil society organisations also participated as observers. The list of participants is available in the documents.

Organisation of work of the Diplomatic Conference

On 15 May 2023, the Conference was opened by Director-General at the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia Mr. Marko Rakovec in his capacity as Secretary-General of the Diplomatic Conference.

At the opening ceremony, the Conference was addressed by Ms. Tanja Fajon, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of Slovenia; Ms. Dominika Švarc Pipan, Minister of Justice of Slovenia; Ms. Hadja Lahbib, Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Affairs and Foreign Trade and the Federal Cultural Institutions of Belgium; Ms. Battsetseg Batmunkh, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia; Ms. Dilan Yeşilgöz-Zegerius, Minister of Justice and Security of the Netherlands; Mr. Pablo Anselmo Tettamanti, Ambassador, Vice-Minister and State Secretary of Foreign Affairs of Argentina; Mr. Momar Gueye, Ambassador of Senegal to the Netherlands; Ms. Kimberly Prost, Judge of the International Criminal Court; Mr. Mbacké Fall, Judge of the Supreme Court of Senegal; Ms. Priya Pillai, Head of the Asia Justice Coalition Secretariat.

At its first plenary meeting, on 15 May 2023, the Conference elected by acclamation Ms. Silvia Fernández de Gurmendi (Argentina) as President of the Conference.

At the same meeting the Conference unanimously elected the following five Vice-Presidents

  • Piet Heirbaut (Belgium),
  • René Lefeber (Netherlands),
  • Yakham Leye (Senegal)
  • Katja Rejec Longar (Slovenia) and
  • Sukhbold Sukhee (Mongolia).

The Conference also established a Drafting Committee composed as follows:

  • Chairman: Mr. René Lefeber (Netherlands)
  • Members:
    • Ezéchiel Amani Cirimwami (Democratic Republic of Congo),
    • Garonne Bezjak (Germany),
    • Felipe Kipreos (Chile),
    • Andrej Svetličič (Slovenia) and
    • Amelie Zinzius (Canada).

The Conference further established a Credentials Committee composed as follows:

  • Chairman: Mr. Sukhbold Sukhee (Mongolia)
  • Members:
    • Australia,
    • Cyprus and
    • Czechia.

At the same meeting, the Conference also established three Working Groups to address outstanding issues after consideration in the Plenary and appointed their Coordinators as follows:

  • Coordinator of Working Group 1 on outstanding issues of the Preamble, Part I (General Provisions), Part VI (Victims, Witnesses, Experts and Others), and Part VII (Final Provisions), as well as the Annexes: Mr. Vaios Koutroulis (Belgium)
  • Coordinator of Working Group 2 on outstanding issues of Part II (Central Authorities and Communication) and Part V (Transfer of Sentenced Persons): Ms. Erica Lucero (Argentina)
  • Coordinator of Working Group 3 on outstanding issues of Part III (Mutual Legal Assistance) and Part IV (Extradition): Mr. Matevž Pezdirc (Slovenia).

As a result of the deliberations in the Plenary and the Working Groups, as well as the Drafting Committee, the Conference, at its eighteenth plenary meeting, on 26 May 2023, adopted the Ljubljana-The Hague Convention on International Cooperation in the Investigation and Prosecution of the Crime of Genocide, Crimes against Humanity, War Crimes and other International Crimes. The adopted text is available among the documents.

The Conference invited all States to sign the Ljubljana-The Hague Convention.

On 26 May 2023, the Conference adopted its Final Document (available among the documents) and closed its session.