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Rehabilitation and modernisation of the Pragersko hub

On 24 March 2021, the Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy approved EU funding for the project of rehabilitation and modernisation of the Pragersko hub. The project consists of the full modernisation of the Pragersko railway station, a major hub connecting three important railway corridors to Zidani Most (Ljubljana), Maribor (Austrian border) and Ormož (Hungarian border). Total value of the project is EUR 90.03 million from which EU’s European Regional and Development Fund is contributing EUR 40 million through the Operational Programme for the Implementation of the EU Cohesion Policy for the 2014-2020 programming period.

The layout of the station will be modified to adapt to the modernisation works along the three corridors, as well as changes in demand, train characteristics and operations. New tracks and turnouts will be installed and unnecessary ones will be dismantled. The design parameters will be improved to a structure gauge GC, axle load of 22.5 tonnes (category D4), 750m long freight trains, speed of up to 80-100 km/h for freight trains and 80-160 km/h for passenger trains. Two new 300 m long platforms will be built under consideration of persons with reduced mobility (subway). The project also includes a new underpass replacing the Ptujska cesta road level crossing. The station will be electrified with local and remote control systems. It will also be equipped with signalling and safety technology compatible with the Zidani Most–Šentilj–national border.