E-ARK3 Project

eArchiving Building Block: E-ARK3 Project
Under the umbrella of the E-ARK3 Project 20 partners are supporting the development of the CEF eArchiving Building Block. The eArchiving Building Block is a solution to long-term information assurance. It provides the specifications, reference software, training and service desk support for digital archiving. This benefits both the design of repositories as digital archiving and preservation systems and the enabling of business systems to send data to those repositories.
eArchiving also provides a set of sample software components for several scenarios and business environments. With these components any organisation can develop its own institutional archiving and preservation ecosystem, or develop standardised workflows for delivering content from its business systems to external repositories. Using eArchiving guidelines guarantees that information will still be available and reusable for as long as it is required
The foundation of eArchiving is the set of Information Package specifications. These describe platform-independent formats for storing information assets as bulk data and metadata that remains authentic and understandable over the long-term. These specifications are based on the accumulated knowledge and experience of a large international community of researchers and practitioners. They are thus ideal for long-term information assurance, supporting:
- migrating data between generations of business information systems;
- transferring data to dedicated archival repositories;
- managing data in repositories concerning its long-term preservation;
- reusing data over the long-term, independently of the business systems.
The Archives of the Republic of Slovenia is one of the independent partners in the project and contributes in the following Activities:
- A2 Specification Management;
- A3 Sample Software, Compliance and Support Services;
- A5 User Engagement and Outreach.
The objectives of Activity 2 are to update the core specifications for eArchiving, and to initiate the specifications revision cycle. This includes setting up guidelines for the creation of new specifications, as well as reviewing and revising the current ones. Together with Slovenian Cancer Registry, European Network of Cancer Registries and Piql AS the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia will create technical specification for archiving the data of cancer registries.
The Archives will contribute to harmonisation of the E-ARK General Model developed within the E-ARK project in 2014‒2017 with the eArchiving Building Block service approach and structure and work on the creation of an E-ARK Process Reference Model.
Within the Activity 5 we are aiming to engage the target stakeholder communities of data creators, solution providers and repository owners, and to promote and accelerate the uptake of eArchiving Building Block components in their respective contexts.