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Second Swiss Contribution

The second Swiss Contribution with a total budget of CHF 1.024 billion supports 13 partner countries and aims to reduce economic and social disparities in the European Union. The EU and Switzerland signed a memorandum of understanding on the second Swiss Contribution on 30 June 2022, which enabled the launch of negotiations between Switzerland and the selected EU member states.

Slovenia is eligible to a total of CHF 16 million from the second Swiss Contribution. Considering the relatively modest amount of the funding made available and the complexity of administrative procedures, Slovenia selected the thematic area Protecting the environment and the climate and the specific objective Energy efficiency and renewable energy for co-financing from the Contribution.

The Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development acts on behalf of the Republic of Slovenia as the National Coordination Unit (NCO) of the Swiss-Slovenian Cooperation Programme.

The National Coordination Unit as competent authority has the overall responsibility for the implementation of the second Swiss Contribution in Slovenia in accordance with the signed Framework Agreement. It is the contact point for Switzerland for all matters regarding the implementation of the Cooperation Programme.

The second Swiss Contribution to selected EU member states is an investment in Europe’s security, stability and prosperity and a key part of Switzerland's European policy. With the Contribution, Switzerland helps foster cohesion in Europe as well as strengthen and deepen bilateral relations with its partner countries and the European Union as a whole. 

Official website of the Second Swiss Contribution

Legal Bases

The Framework Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Swiss Federal Council on the implementation of the second Swiss Contribution to the selected member states of the European Union to reduce economic and social disparities within the European Union was drafted jointly by the relevant Slovenian and Swiss institutions. The Framework Agreement was signed on 28 August 2023; it sets out the selected thematic area for co-financing from the second Swiss Contribution and identifies the relevant national entities along with their responsibilities and tasks, including the specific rules applicable to Slovenia (Annex Country-Specific Set-Up to the Framework Agreement). 

The next major milestone will be the signing of the Support Measure Agreement between the Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development as the National Coordination Unit and the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) from Switzerland that is responsible for the thematic area Protecting the environment and the climate. 

This will be followed by the Support Measure Implementation Agreement that will be concluded between the Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development as the National Coordination Unit and the Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Energy as the Programme Operator. 

The implementation of the second Swiss Contribution will follow the programme approach. The Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Energy as the Programme Operator has worked closely with the relevant Swiss institutions. Together, they developed the programme Increasing energy efficiency and promoting renewable energy in Alpine regions which sets out the following three programme components: 

  1. DIGI-LEC - Optimising energy efficiency and renewable energy planning through the digitalization of Local Energy Concepts (LECs).
  2. Promotion of energy communities with renewables and promotion of shallow geothermal energy use:
  3. Sub-Component a - Increased share of renewable energy communities.
  4. Sub-Component b - Replacement of fossil fuel boilers with geothermal heat pumps using shallow geothermal energy.
  5. Piloting Agri-photovoltaics.

The Programme will put a special emphasis on fostering partnerships with the relevant institutions from Switzerland and supporting the exchange of expertise between actors in Switzerland and Slovenia.

The timeframe for implementing the second Swiss Contribution will be shorter than the initially planned ten-year period spanning 2019-2029 due to significant delays in the first round of negotiations with the European Union. The period of eligibility of project expenditure will end on 3 December 2029.

Calls for proposals

The abovementioned documents are the precondition for kicking off the implementation of the second Swiss Contribution in Slovenia and the preparation of calls for proposals. The calls will be prepared and published by the Programme Operator, i.e., the Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Energy. They are expected to be published in 2026.  

Communication rules

The entities involved in the implementation of the second Swiss Contribution must follow the communication requirements set out by Switzerland. The relevant requirements and guidelines laying down the programme logo and the rules for its use are available in the Communication Manual for Partner States and Annex 1.

Swiss enlargement contribution in the 2007-2017 period

Framework Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Swiss Federal Council concerning the implementation of the Swiss-Slovenian Cooperation Programme to reduce economic and social disparities within the enlarged European Union was signed on 20 December 2007. Slovenia was eligible to a total of CHF 21,956,000 from the Swiss Contribution. The Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy acted as the National Coordination Unit of the Swiss-Slovenian Cooperation Programme.

The first Swiss-Slovenian Cooperation Programme focused on the following priority areas:

  • environment and infrastructure,
  • promotion of private sector,
  • human and social development, and
  • special allocations.