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Slovenia's candidature for UN Security Council membership in the 2024–2025 period

Slovenia is actively involved in addressing challenges to international peace and security within the UN, and is running for a non-permanent seat on the UN Security Council for the 2024–2025 period.


On 22 May 1992, the Republic of Slovenia became a proud member of the United Nations. This date marks a milestone in the process of the new state asserting itself as a full member of the international community, and this is why 22 May is celebrated as Slovenian Diplomacy Day.

Throughout the 30 years of its membership, Slovenia has supported multilateralisem with the UN at its core. It has been fulfilling its obligations towards the Organisation, contributing expertise and capacity in support of the activities arising from the UN Charter, and assuming the responsibilities imposed by membership of UN organs and specialised agencies.

In the light of heightened global challenges, Slovenia has announced its candidacy for non-permanent membership of the Security Council, the central organ of the UN responsible for international peace and security, for the 2024–2025 period. We are confident that smaller countries too can take active and prominent roles in international organisations and thus co-shape the global agenda, especially in addressing the security implications of climate change.  

The slogan of Slovenia's candidacy, BUILDING TRUST – SECURING FUTURE, reflects the areas where, over its thirty-year history, Slovenia has already proven to be a credible partner in international relations. The first part of the slogan thus refers to respect for international law, in particular in terms of accountability, conflict prevention, transparency and the women, peace and security agenda, while the second part focuses on climate and security, water diplomacy, food security and children in armed conflict.     

Through its membership of the Security Council, Slovenia aims to contribute to the preservation of international peace and security, deepen dialogue with other UN members and strengthen confidence in multilateralism. The effective functioning of the multilateral system is vital for Slovenia, as it is for many other small and medium-sized countries.

Trust is the cornerstone of any relations. By building trust, we also strengthen international relations, paving the way for a kinder and safer future. If elected, Slovenia will always act as a bridge – in a constructive, engaged, resolute and active manner.

Tanja Fajon
Minister of Foreign and European Affairs
