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The Recovery and Resilience Plan addresses a number of challenges facing renewable energy producers and consumers in Slovenia.

The objectives of the component "Renewable energy and energy efficiency" are to increase the use of renewable energy sources, improve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The reforms supporting the investments include regulatory changes to unlock the production potential of renewable energy, stepping up the electricity grid and improve energy efficiency in the economy. The investments are aimed at increasing the share of electricity from renewable energy sources, reducing losses in the electricity grid and promoting energy efficiency measures in industry.

Reform of the promotion of renewable energy sources in Slovenia

The objective of the reform is to accelerate the roll-out of renewable technologies in the electricity sector. The reform will also support the national contribution to the EU renewables target. The reform will be implemented with the entry into force of the Act on the Promotion of the Use of Renewable Energy Sources. The Act will support the acceleration and creation of additional renewable energy projects by removing some of the legal and administrative barriers in the area of spatial planning and by establishing a single point of contact to assist customers in all procedures for the installation and use of renewable energy sources. The reform will also take into account the results of a biodiversity mapping of the potential of renewable energy sources across the entire territory of the Republic of Slovenia.

Reform of electricity supply to promote renewable energy sources

The objective of the reform is to improve the network integration of renewable energy installations and demand response. The reform includes the entry into force of the Electricity Supply Act, which sets out measures to ensure the secure operation of the grid, including the introduction of smart grid services, and measures to connect new capacity, including demand response and energy storage facilities.

Energy efficiency in the economy – reform

The objective of the reform is to increase the energy efficiency potential of economy in Slovenia. The reform shall promote the digitalisation of reporting and monitoring of energy efficiency. An Action Plan for the management of energy efficiency in the economy shall provide for the introduction of a digitilised method of reporting data on energy audits by enterprises, as well as for monitoring of potential and achieved energy savings. Both enterprises subject to an obligation to carry out energy audits under the Energy Efficiency Act and enterprises which are not currently subject to the Act shall make use of the digitalised method of reporting. The Action Plan shall also foresee relevant institutions to include a requirement for reporting on and the implementation of energy audits for enterprises benefiting from support for energy efficiency improvements.

The reform aims to ease the reporting of data by enterprises through digitalisation, as well as to improve and harmonise the reporting and monitoring of data in the field of energy efficiency, allowing for better evaluation of the impact of energy efficiency measures.

Energy efficient restructuring of district heating systems with the use of renewable sources – investment

The objective of this investment is to increase the energy efficiency of district heating systems. An assessment made in 2017 concluded that only around two-thirds of the district heating systems could be considered energy efficient. The investment will increase the energy efficiency of three district heating and cooling systems. The funds for the investment will be allocated through a public call for proposals. The call will exclude the use of biomass that violates the requirements of Directive (EU) 2018/2001.

Production of electricity from renewable energy sources – investment

The investment aims to create new renewable electricity generation capacity through a technology-neutral public tender between different technologies (geothermal and hydroelectric energy) and solar technology for public buildings.

Strengthening the electricity distribution network (transformer stations) – investment

The objective of the investment is to modernise the electricity distribution network in line with the growing consumption of electricity from renewable energy sources and to enable the connection of renewable energy generation facilities, heat pumps and charging points for electric vehicles. The investment includes 838 new substations and a new low-voltage network with a total length of 1,300 kilometres.

Investments to increase energy efficiency in the economy

The objective of the investment is to improve the reporting and monitoring of energy efficiency in the economy.

The investment consists of the set-up of a digital reporting tool through which enterprises shall be assigned an e-card to report and monitor the implementation of energy audits. At least 20 companies shall receive an e-card on energy efficiency.