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The Recovery and Resilience Plan addresses the shortage of public rental housing in Slovenia. Access to adequate housing is particularly difficult for young people, young families, and the socially disadvantaged and other marginalised groups.

The objective of the reform and investment under the "Housing policy" component is to create the conditions for strengthening the stock of public rental housing through housing policy reform and related investment in new rental housing and the purchase and renovation of existing empty housing. This will reduce housing costs for targeted groups, including socially disadvantaged individuals and families.

Strengthening the stock of public rental housing – reform

The objective of the reform is to increase the number of public rental housing in Slovenia primarily for socially disadvantaged and marginalised groups.

The reform consists in the entry into force of amendments to the Housing Act which shall harmonise the level of non-profit rent by public housing funds and allow additional borrowing by such funds. These amendments are expected to ensure the long-term financial stability of public housing funds in Slovenia.

The amendments shall also establish a public rental service with the objective of acquiring and renovating existing privately owned empty apartments for the purpose of affordable housing.

Overall, the reform is expected to facilitate the construction of at least 5,000 additional dwellings and the activation of an indicative 2,000 currently empty private dwellings to be acquired and renovated by public housing funds.

Provision of public rental housing – investment

The objective of the investment is to reduce the deficit of public rental housing in Slovenia.

The investment consists in the construction of 480 new housing units. The projects of municipal housing funds and other affordable housing organisations shall be selected through a competitive call for proposals.