Sustainable Development of Slovenian Tourism, Including Cultural Heritage
The objectives of the reforms and investments under the component "Sustainable development of Slovenian tourism" are to strengthen sustainable development by firmly positioning Slovenia as a leader in environmental sustainability and to increase the added value of tourism by transforming it into sustainable tourism with higher added value through investments focused on tourism accommodation and public tourism infrastructure (including the restoration, revitalisation and valorisation of cultural heritage).
Strengthening the sustainable development of tourism – reform
The aim of the reform is to respond to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and to provide a framework for the sustainable and digital transition of Slovenian tourism, data-driven decision-making and boutique tourism with high added value.
The reform includes the entry into force of a decree on development incentives for tourism, which will include key conditions and criteria for the allocation of funds in the sector. These include, among other things, an energy performance certificate of at least class B for each renovation and at least one international eco-label, and the primary energy demand of new buildings will have to be at least 20% lower than the requirement for nearly zero-energy buildings. Furthermore, the data monitoring and analysis capacity of the Green Scheme of Slovenian Tourism will be strengthened.
Sustainable development of Slovenian tourist accommodation to increase the added value of tourism – investment
The objective of the investment is to support the sustainable transformation of the accommodation infrastructure in order to increase the quality of the infrastructure and provide high-quality services to increase competitiveness and value added in tourism. The investment supports the comprehensive renovation and construction of new accommodation facilities, focusing on energy- and environmentally-efficient and green solutions that will maintain the quality and experience of existing and new accommodation facilities or raise them to a higher level. New software solutions will also be supported to enhance the management and marketing of tourism products and services and better inform tourists about these products and services through the use of modern digital tools to ensure a quality user experience.
Sustainable development of public and shared tourism infrastructure and natural attractions in tourist destinations – investment
The aim of the investment is to support the transformation of public and shared tourism infrastructure and natural attractions in tourist destinations by investing in the renovation and construction of public tourism infrastructure. The planned investments will improve the functionality, safety and quality of public tourism infrastructure and enhance the quality of services and experiences for tourists and the competitiveness of destinations and their stakeholders.
Sustainable restoration and revitalisation of cultural heritage and public cultural infrastructure – investment
The objective of the investment is to support sustainable tourism by revitalising cultural heritage and public cultural infrastructure. The investment includes support for the renovation, restoration, integrated revitalisation and modernisation of cultural monuments and public cultural infrastructure owned by the state and cultural monuments owned by municipalities, with an expected multiplier effect on tourism development. The projects will include digitalisation and use of ICT technology to promote and interpret cultural heritage. The restoration of 15 cultural heritage buildings is foreseen.