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Copying of archival records and issuance of certificates

The Archives issues certified and non-certified copies, transcripts, excerpts and certificates based on documents in its custody to citizens as well as to state authorities, authorities of self-government communities or bearers of public authority that require such documents in order to prove their rights.

Should the Archives be unable to provide adequate copies of the original archival records for technical reasons, it is possible to copy such records outside the Archives by prior consent and only when accompanied by a member of the Archives’ staff.

The number of copies an individual may order is limited. Depending on the number of copies and the copying method, the making of such copies may take 7 to 30 days.  

The compensation or the costs for the archival services is determined in the Rules determining fees for the use, conservation and restoration of archival materials and the storage of private archival materials in archives carrying our public archival services and its annex, which specifies in more detail the compensation for public archival services.

On the grounds of records preservation and for other justified reasons, the following material is not to be photocopied:

  • entire fonds and collections as well as large parts thereof;
  • plans larger than A3 format, and blueprints;
  • maps larger than A3 format;
  • archival guides, inventories, catalogues and other finding aids (ledgers, indexes, card indexes), as well as books from the in-house library.

Cadastral plans, maps, plans, charters, documents with wax seals, manuscripts, land registers and books can be reproduced  (microfilmed, photographed or scanned) by the Archives or, after obtaining prior permission, by the user outside the Archives when accompanied by a member of the Archives’ staff.

The Archives does not perform research work, search for material by topic, perform transcriptions or prepare data for customers (for example, for the needs of chronology, numismatics, heraldry, genealogy, or similar). In the event that the customer insists on the service, in accordance with the regulations, the fee will be charged in the amount of 60 EUR per hour.