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Visa information of the Embassy Ankara

Visa requirement for entering Slovenia

Citizens of Turkey

Citizens of Turkey need a short-stay visa (C Type) for short-term visits to the Schengen Area.

Exceptions: for holders of diplomatic, special and offical passports visa is not required up to 90 days.

Nationals of other countries who are resident in Turkey

The EU maintains a list of countries whose citizens must have a visa when entering the Schengen Area and the countries whose citizens are exempt from this requirement.

Please note that even if you are a citizen of a country whose citizens are generally visa-free, the visa-free regime only applies to short stays in the Schengen Area not exceeding 90 days and of a non-profit nature.

Holders of residence permits, re-entry permits, and long-stay visas (D Type) of a Schengen country do not need a visa to enter other Schengen countries. Such visits are permitted for a maximum of 90 days in any 180-day period.

Citizens of Azerbaijan, Iraq and Lebanon

Azerbaijani citizens need a visa, except holders of diplomatic or service passports.

Iraqi citizens need a visa. Visa is required to enter an airport transit area too (airport transit visa).

Lebanese citizens need a visa.

Locations for lodging visa applications are published below.

Schengen and visa policy

As a signatory to the Schengen Agreement, Slovenia implements the common EU visa policy. The visa regime it applies is part of the acquis communautaire of the European Union, divided into countries whose nationals require a visa to enter the Republic of Slovenia and countries whose nationals do not.

Slovenian diplomatic missions and consular posts issue Schengen (A and C) and national visas (D). In order to be issued with a visa, the third-country national must present the required documentation and comply with the requirements imposed by law.

Short-stay visa (C and A)

Type A visa

The Airport Transit Visa “A” is issued to foreigners when crossing the international transit area of an airport situated on the territory of the Member States in transit and not entering the Schengen Area. This type of visa is only issued to nationals of the countries listed in Annex IV of Regulation (EC) No 810/2009 – Visa Code.

Type C visa

Type C visa is an entry permit issued to a third-country national for a so-called short stay (up to 90 days in any 180-day period). The number of days allowed can be calculated by means of an online calculator. The visa is issued in the form of a sticker attached to a valid passport.

An application for a visa shall be submitted specifically to the Schengen state that is the primary destination of travel. This type of visa may also be issued by other Schengen States on behalf of Slovenia, provided that Slovenia has concluded a representation agreement with them.

In accordance with Article 22 of Regulation (EC) No 810/2009, nationals of certain third countries are subject to prior consultation with the central authorities of other Member States.

In order to obtain a visa at a Slovenian diplomatic mission or consular post, it is necessary to submit in person the visa application below, the required documentation and fingerprints.

List of basic documentation:

  • A passport with at least two empty pages. The passport should have been issued within the last 10 years.  The passport must be valid for at least 3 months beyond the date on which you intend to leave the Schengen Area or, in the case of multiple journeys, the date on which you intend to leave after the last stay;
  • A completed and signed visa application form . Any person appearing in your travel document must complete a separate application form. The visa application form for a child under 18 must be signed by a parent or guardian;
  • A recent identity photograph in accordance with ICAO standards;
  • In the countries where the Visa Information System is operational, your fingerprints will be collected when you submit your application (exemptions exist for specific categories of applicants)
  • Visa fee to be paid when you submit your application;
  • Service fee to be paid if you are requested to submit your application at the offices of a service provider;
  • Travel medical insurance covering emergency medical assistance, hospitalisation and repatriation (including in case of death). The minimum cover should be EUR 30,000. This insurance must cover the entire Schengen Area and the entire duration of stay;
  • Guarantee letter or Invitation Letter signed by the person/company/organization inviting you to Slovenia and certified and registered at the relevant administrative unit in Slovenia;
  • Various documents relating to the purpose of your stay, evidence of means of support during your stay and your accommodation.

Supporting documents

List of supporting documents to be presented by applicants in Turkey can be found in the Commission implementing decision C(2011)7192 and Commission implementing decision C(2021)5156.

You can apply for a visa at the following locations:

To obtain a visa at a foreign diplomatic mission or consular post representing Slovenia, please contact the following missions in each country for all details of the procedure.






Certain visa applicants are exempt from the visa fee under the provisions of the Visa Code and the Visa Facilitation Agreement.

In addition, certain categories of Belarusian citizens are exempt from the payment of visa fees. For detailed information, see the Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Belarus on the facilitation of the issuance of visas taking into consideration that the implementation of the said agreement has been partially suspended as of 11 November 2021 pursuant to Council Decision (EU) 2021/1940 of 9 November 2021 on the partial suspension of the application of the Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Belarus on the facilitation of the issuance of visas.

VIS (EU Visa Information System)

During the visa procedure, the applicant is required to submit all 10 fingerprints to be identified in the VIS system together with the photograph. The data shall be retained for 5 years from the end of the procedure. The system is in place to facilitate the identification and exchange of data between Member States.

You may request consultation, modification or deletion of data from the VIS.

Family members of EU citizens subject to Directive 2004/38/EC

Family members of EU citizens who have exercised their right to free movement (meaning that an EU citizen resides in a Member State other than his or her country of origin or travels to another Member State) receive certain procedural facilitations.

The basic requirements for the applicant to be considered under this category include:

  • An EU citizen has exercised his or her right to free movement
  • The family member (applicant) belongs to one of the categories covered by Directive 2004/38/EC
  • A family member (applicant) accompanying or joining an EU citizen in the Schengen Area destination

Family members of EU citizens subject to Directive 2004/38/EC are entitled to:

  • Priority treatment in determining the time limit for submitting an application if the time limit is required
  • Processing of visa applications free of charge
  • Processing of visa applications under a fast-track procedure

Long-stay visa (D)

A type D visa is an entry and residence permit of no less than 90 days and no longer than one year, allowing the holder, in accordance with the provisions of the Foreigners Act, to apply for a residence permit directly at the administrative unit in duly justified cases. Type D visa cannot be extended. The application for this type of visa may be filed by third-country nationals belonging to one of the groups defined in Article 20 of the Foreigners Act. Third-country nationals coming from non-visa countries may also apply for a D visa.

In order to obtain a D visa, it is necessary to submit in person the visa application and the required documents.

Basic documents for type D visa:

  • Completed application form for a long-stay visa (D)
  • An appropriately valid passport
  • Photo 45x35 mm, conform to ICAO standards
  • Travel medical insurance (which covers the cost of medical services and repatriation at least up to EUR 30,000 for the entire period of visa validity)
  • Payment of a visa fee of EUR 77, unless the applicant is a close family member of a citizen of the Republic of Slovenia or of another EU Member State
  • Specific documents (below) to demonstrate the purpose of long-term stay

In the procedure for issuing a type D visa for family reunification, a simultaneous interview with the visa applicant (at the Embassy) and the spouse or partner in Slovenia (at the Administrative Unit) is carried out to establish the authenticity of the marriage.

Residence permit of a foreigner in the Republic of Slovenia

A foreigner desiring to reside in the Republic of Slovenia for reasons other than those allowed on the basis of a visa must obtain a residence permit. A residence permit allows the holder to enter and stay in the country for a fixed period of time and for a specific purpose, or residence for an indefinite period of time in case the conditions for permanent residence are met. The conditions for issuing the permit are laid down in the Foreigners Act. The competent decision-making authority is the Administrative Unit. The first residence permit in the Republic of Slovenia is issued as a temporary residence permit and must be obtained by a foreigner before entering the country (more at

Personal data protection information

Personal data are processed for the purposes of visa application in administrative procedures. Your data are entered into the National Visa Information System of the Republic of Slovenia, where they are stored for five years after the expiry of the visa or, in the event that the visa is not issued, five years after the final decision to refuse the visa. Your data will also be entered and stored in the Visa Information System (VIS) for a maximum of five years, during which it will be accessible to the visa authorities and the authorities responsible for the implementation of visas at the external borders of the European Union, including to the immigration and asylum authorities in the EU Member States.

VFS Global processes personal data on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia and is bound by standard contractual clauses for ensuring the same standard of personal data protection as the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs.

The controller of personal data processed in visa procedures is the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia, Prešernova cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, T: 01 478 2000, E:

You can contact the Data Protection Officer at the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia at   

You have the right to lodge a complaint concerning the processing of personal data with the Information Commissioner of the Republic of Slovenia (in Slovene), Dunajska cesta 22, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Information for Erasmus Students

Erasmus icin gerekli olan evraklar asagida listelenmistir :

 1-D tipi vize basvuru formu ( Lutfen doldurup geliniz . Elle veya bilgisayarla doldurabilirsiniz . Turkce veya Ingilizce yazabilirsiniz .)

 2-Slovenya`dan gonderilmis olan dijital imzali kabul belgesi veya bu temin edilemiyorsa belediye onayli garanti mektubu

 3-Ogrenci belgeniz ve Slovence tercumesi ( e devletten alinan kabul edilmektedir)

 4-Hibe yaziniz ve Slovence tercumesi

 5-Hibeniz 400 euro  altinda veya hic almiyorsaniz her ay 400-500 euro arasina denk gelecek sekilde bakiyesi olan ( ornegin 6 ay kalacaksaniz 6x500  - TL karsiligi da kabul edilmektedir ) ve sizin adiniza acilmis olan banka hesabi

 6-Seyahat saglik sigortasi+Slovence tercumesi

 7-Apostilli adli sicil kaydi + Slovence tercumesi ( Adli sicil kaydinizi ve apostili e devletten alabilirsiniz)

* Yabanci uyruklu ogrenciler hem kendi ulkelerinden hem de Turkiye Cumhuriyeti`nden alinmis apostilli adli sicil kaydi sunmalidirlar.

 8-1 adet biyometrik fotograf

 9-Donus tarihinizden itibaren 90 gun daha gecerliligi olan ve 10 yildan eski olmayan pasaportunuz ( bordro veya yesil pasaportla islem yaptirabilirsiniz .)

 Onemli notlar :

 *Tercumeler sadece elciligin internet sitesinde yazili olan tercumanlardan kabul edilmektedir

 *Randevunuzu tum evraklariniz tamamlandiktan sonra ( tercumeleri dahil ) elcilige mail atarak alabilirsiniz .

 *Basvurular sadece sahsen olarak ve Ankara`dan kabul edilmektedir .

 *Islem suresi maksimum 14 gundur .

 *Turk vatandasi ogrenciler vize ucretinden muaftir ancak yabanci uyruklu ogrenciler icin 77 eurodur .

 *Slovence disinda hicbir dilde tercume kabul edilmemektedir.Ceviriler icin ayrica notar tasdiki istenmemektedir

 *Ayrica oturum iznine ihtiyaciniz olmayacaktir.Basvurunuz sonrasi size verilecek olan D tipi vize size Slovenya`da egitim ve yasama hakki tanimaktadir.

 *Basvuru islemleriniz geldigi gun tamamlanacaktir ve basvurunuz sonuclandigi zaman size haber verilecektir.Elciligimiz haber verdikten sonra kendiniz ya da dilediginiz herhangi bir kisi elciligimizden gelip pasaportunuzu teslim alabilir.Pasaportunuz kargoyla gonderilmeyecektir

*Sigortayi dilediginiz yerden yaptirabilirsiniz .

The documents required for Erasmus are listed below:

 1-D type visa application form (attached, please fill it out before you come. You can fill it out manually or by computer. You can write in Turkish or English.)

 2-A digitally signed acceptance certificate issued from Slovenia, or if this cannot be obtained, a municipality-certified letter of guarantee.)

 3-Your student certificate and its Slovenian translation (received from e-devlet is accepted)

 4-Your grant letter from university and its Slovenian translation

 5-If your grant is below 400 euros or if you do not receive any, a bank account with a balance of 400-500 euros every month (for example, if you will stay for 6 months, the equivalent of 6x500 - TL is also accepted) and opened in your name.

 6-Travel health insurance + Slovenian translation

 7-Apostilled criminal record + Slovenian translation (You can get your criminal record and apostille from e devlet)

* Foreign students must submit an apostilled criminal record from both their home country and the Republic of Turkey.

 8-1 biometric photograph

 9-Your passport, which is valid for 90 days from your return date and is not older than 10 years

 Important notes :

 *Translations are only accepted from translators listed on the embassy's website

 *You can make your appointment by sending an e-mail to the embassy after all your documents are completed (including their translations).

 *Applications are only accepted in person and from Ankara.

 *Processing time is maximum 14 days.

 *Turkish students are exempt from the visa fee, but it is 77 euros for foreign students.

 *Translation in any language other than Slovenian is not accepted. Notary certification is not required for translations.

 *You will also not need a residence permit. The D type visa that will be given to you after your application gives you the right to study and live in Slovenia.

 *Your application process will be completed on the day it arrives and you will be notified when your application is finalized. After our embassy notifies you, you or any person you wish can come to our embassy and receive your passport. Your passport will not be sent by post.

 *You can get insurance from anywhere you want.


Translators and interpreters

Translators and interpreters in Turkey

  • Jasmina Marija Kara, Ankara, mail:
  • Alja Kaygisiz Rems Istanbul, phone: +90 552 221 43 00, mail :

Translators and interpreters in Slovenia

  • Mr. Bilurdagi Raif, Ljubljana, phone: + 386 40 209 332
  • Mr. Abduljaziz Počinka, Ljubljana, phone: 00 386 41 693 420, mail:


* All of the translations contained on this website are unofficial. Only the original Slovene texts of the laws and regulations have legal effect, and the translations are to be used solely as reference materials to aid in the understanding of Slovene laws and regulations. The Government of the Republic of Slovenia is not responsible for the accuracy, reliability or currency of the translations provided on this website, or for any consequence resulting from the use of information on this website. For all purposes of interpreting and applying law to any legal issue or dispute, users should consult the original Slovene texts published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia.

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