Home Slovenia’s representations abroad Embassy Copenhagen About the Embassy Copenhagen Head of mission Mihael Zupančič AmbassadorEmbassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Copenhagen +4533730120 is.vog@negahnepoc.yssabmeols Diplomats Timotej Šooš Deputy Head of Mission (Political Affairs) is.vog@soos.jetomit Milena Stefanović Kajzer Minister Plenipotentiary (Economic Affiars) is.vog@rezjak-civonafets.anelim Andreja Thieke First Counsellor (Consular and Political Affairs) is.vog@ekeiht.ajerdna Local Staff Bodil Lundin Personal Assistant to the Ambassador is.vog@nidnul.lidob Tjaša Blažič Administrative Assistant is.vog@cizalb.asajt Preben Quistgaard Driver is.vog@draagtsiuq.neberp Other representations Infomation about other slovenian and foreign representations can be found on pages:Denmark Finland Iceland Norway Sweden Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Copenhagen Amaliegade 6, 2. floor 1256 Copenhagen K Denmark Show on map +4533730120 is.vog@negahnepoc.yssabmeols www.copenhagen.embassy.si