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Consular information of the Embassy New Delhi

The consular section of a diplomatic mission or consular post provides protection and assistance to citizens of the Republic of Slovenia and certain services to foreign nationals. Below please find basic information on services provided to citizens of the Republic of Slovenia (hereinafter: citizen).

Business with clients in New Delhi

The Embassy will be closed on the following days in 2025: January 1 and 2, March 14, April 18 and 21, June 25, August 15, October 20, December 25 and 26.

Due to the large volume of work and the fact that all appointments are fully booked, we are currently not issuing appointments for services related to the issuance of temporary residence permits, with the exception of the collection of permit cards.


Consular and Visa Office conducts business in Slovene, English, Hindu and Tamil languages only. For other languages, the applicants need to provide the correspondent translation.

From 26.7. until 14.8.2024 the consular&visa office will not conduct services in the Tamil language.

Visa process information

No information on ongoing visa process will be provided.

Common information sheet for Schengen visa applicants in India.

Approved list of Indian travel insurance companies providing travel medical insurances.


The full information on appeal procedure is enclosed in the visa refusal/annulment/revocation letter that the applicant receives with the passport.

Residence permits

Residence permit services are available to all categories. As part of our security measures we urge for all permit applications to be submitted by prospective employers or other authorized persons in Slovenia, directly to the Administrative Units in Slovenia.

Scheduling a visit to the visa & consular section:

To obtain the date and time of the visit to the visa & consular section of the embassy, the applicant must provide the following information to the consular email address Name, Surname, Date of birth, Passport number, Requested service






Consular fees

Customers can pay the consular fee at the embassy through the UPI system (QR code) or through a bank transaction. The embassy does not have cash operations. A bank transfer can be made at a bank branch located in the immediate vicinity of the embassy.

Payment to the Embassy's bank account is possible in euros (EUR) or Indian rupees (INR), and payment through the UPI system is only possible in INR.

Consular fees for frequently used services

(Service - Consular fee - Price in EUR)

  • Resident permit - Temporary Residence Permit Card cost (payed concurrently with the application) - 15,00 EUR
  • Resident permit - First Temporary Residence Permit application - 102,00 EUR
  • Resident permit - Effective service of the Temporary Residence Permit card (collection out of Europe) - 13,00 EUR
  • Authentication - Authentication of the deposited signature and stamp - 14,00 EUR
  • Authentication - Authentication of the photocopy (each next page) - 6,00 EUR
  • Authentication - Authentication of the photocopy (first page) - 14,00 EUR
  • Visas - Appeal - rejection of the Schengen visa - 153,00 EUR
  • Visas - Application - C (Schengen) visa - 90,00 EUR
  • Visas - Application - D visa - 77,00 EUR

The EUR/INR exchange rate is calculated monthly, please settle the amounts in INR on the day of the service.

Please note that the amount shown on the embassy's balance sheet must be identical to the amount of the fee, so we recommend that customers pay the tax based on the calculation issued by the embassy when the service is rendered.



A citizen may file a passport application with the diplomatic mission or consular post.

A passport application must be lodged by an adult citizen in person. A minor’s application must be submitted by his/her legal guardian. If the minor is over 8 years of age, he/she must be present in person.

The application shall be accompanied by:

  • Old passport (if any, or a valid public document containing a photograph)
  • Biometric photo of the prescribed size showing the right image and fulfilling the provided instructions.

Issue and validity

The passport is issued to an adult citizen with a period of validity of 10 years; for a citizen aged between three and 18 years with a validity of five years; and for a citizen who has not yet reached the age of three, with a validity of three years.

Passport validity and the corresponding consular fees:

  • 10 years for adults from the age of 18 – EUR 115
  • 5 years for children from 3 to 18 years – EUR 76
  • 3 years for children under 3 years – EUR 57
  • 1 year – EUR 47

The passport is personally served on the applicant or his/her legal representative.

Delivery for destruction

A citizen must deliver the passport to the competent authority for destruction within 30 days in the following cases:

  • Changed personal data on the biographical page of the passport
  • Changed permanent residence, whereby the entry of the change in the passport is no longer possible
  • The photograph no longer shows a true image
  • The photograph is damaged or worn out or no longer usable for any other reason
  • Termination of citizenship of the Republic of Slovenia

Entry of a change of address

A citizen must submit his/her passport to the competent authority to enter the change in the passport no later than 30 days after the change of address. The application must be accompanied by:

  • A valid passport that still has a free section to allow entry of the new address
  • Residence registration certificate for a new address

The entry of a change is exempt from fee.

Identity card


A citizen may file an application for an identity card with the diplomatic mission or consular post.

An application for an identity card must be lodged by an adult citizen in person. In some cases, the consent of both parents is required. A minor’s application must be submitted by his/her legal guardian. If the minor is over 8 years of age, he/she must also be present in person.

The application must be accompanied by:

  • The old identity card (if any, or a valid public document containing a photograph)
  • A photograph of the prescribed size, showing the right image and fulfilling the provided instructions.

Issue and validity

An identity card with a validity of three years is issued to a national under three years of age. An identity card with a validity of five years is issued to a citizen aged between three and 18 years. An identity card with ten-year validity is issued to a citizen aged 18 to 70. After the age of 70, an identity card with permanent validity is issued.

Identity card validity and consular fee:

  • 10 years for adults from 18 to 70 years – EUR 76
  • 5 years for children from 3 to 18 years – EUR 60
  • 3 years for children under 3 years – EUR 44
  • Permanent identity card – EUR 76

The identity card must be personally served on the applicant or his/her legal representative.

Delivery for destruction

The citizen must deliver the identity card to the competent authority for destruction no later than 30 days in the following cases:

  • Change of surname or name
  • Change of permanent residence
  • The photograph on the identity card no longer shows a true image
  • The identity card is damaged or worn out or can no longer be used for any other reason
  • Termination of citizenship of the Republic of Slovenia

Declaration of a missing, lost or stolen passport or identity card

A citizen is obliged to report a missing, lost or stolen (hereinafter: missing) passport or identity card abroad immediately to the competent authorities in the Republic of Slovenia, at the diplomatic mission or consular post.

Procedure at the diplomatic mission or consular post

The missing document is first registered with the police or another competent institution and a certificate of declaration of the missing document is issued. The certificate must be submitted to the diplomatic mission or consular post, where the applicant needs to give a statement regarding the missing document. True information should be provided on the circumstances in which the document went missing, since the citizen is criminally and materially liable in the event of a false statement. On this basis, the diplomatic mission or consular post revokes the missing document.

Reporting a missing document is free of charge.

After reporting a missing document

The diplomatic mission or consular post may issue a passport for return with a validity of up to 30 days or for the time needed to return to the country where the citizen is registered as a resident or temporary resident.

The return passport is a temporary document intended only for the return to the place of residence. It does not allow you to continue your travels to the remaining countries of your destination. You should also inquire about additional visas to be obtained for such a document from the competent authorities of the country where you are staying or the countries through which you will be travelling.


In order to obtain a passport for return, you need to submit the following:

  • The original certificate of declaration of the missing document
  • Photograph
  • Consular fee in the amount of EUR 19


All information on the registration of permanent or temporary residence abroad, the issue of permanent residence certificates and the replacement of identification documents due to a change of address of permanent residence is available under the section Residence.

The registration of permanent or temporary residence abroad is free of charge.

Non-resident status for tax purposes

Information on regulating the status of a non-resident for tax purposes is available on the website of the Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia.

Civil registration (birth, marriage/partnership, death)

Citizens may request extracts from the central register of births, marriages and deaths or submit an application to record vital events (birth, marriage/partnership, death) at the diplomatic mission or consular post.

The diplomatic mission or consular post may accept requests for the issue of:

  • Extract from the register of births – consular fee within the EU: EUR 19, outside the EU: EUR 26
  • Extract from the register of marriages – consular fee within the EU: EUR 19, outside the EU: EUR 26
  • Extract from the register of same-sex partnerships – consular fee within the EU: EUR 19, outside the EU: EUR 26
  • Extract from the register of deaths – consular fee within the EU: EUR 19, outside the EU: EUR 26
  • Nationality certificate – consular fee within the EU: EUR 19, outside the EU: EUR 26
  • Single status certificate – consular fee within the EU: EUR 19, outside the EU: EUR 26
  • Certificate of no impediment to marriage abroad – the consular fee is EUR 38
  • Certificate of life – endorsement of the form is free of charge for Slovenian citizens; the consular fee for foreign citizens is EUR 13
  • First change of personal name with a decision – the consular fee is EUR 55


Information on the acquisition of, release from, and renunciation of, Slovenian citizenship is available under the topic Citizenship.

At diplomatic missions or consular posts, you may submit appropriate applications to be forwarded to administrative units or to the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Slovenia.


  • Registration of citizenship: EUR 13
  • Admission to and release from citizenship: EUR 354
  • Declaratory decision on citizenship or renunciation EUR 181


The signature on a private or public document may be certified at diplomatic missions and consular posts. The certification does not verify the contents of the document.

India is a member to the Hague Convention on Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization of Foreign Public Documents. Public document appostilled by the Ministry of External Affairs of India with a verified translation to Slovene language may be used in legal transactions in the Republic of Slovenia.

Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Sri Lanka are not members to the said Hague Convention. Public documents, duly verified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country in which it was issued, must be verified at the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in New Delhi before they can be used in legal transactions in the Republic of Slovenia.

Elections and referendums

Information on voting from abroad is available on the website of the State Election Commission.

General information on voting rights can be found on page Elections and referendums.

Obtaining a qualified digital certificate SIGEN-CA

The SIGEN-CA qualified digital certificate for natural persons may be issued to persons over 15 years of age who have a Slovenian tax number and PIN. The digital certificate is valid for five years.

An authorised representative with a certified authorisation may submit an application on behalf of a disabled person. Slovenians abroad may apply for a digital certificate for citizens abroad at a diplomatic mission or consular post. 

More information about the certificate is available at the website of the National Trust Service Centre SI-TRUST.


* All of the translations contained on this website are unofficial. Only the original Slovene texts of the laws and regulations have legal effect, and the translations are to be used solely as reference materials to aid in the understanding of Slovene laws and regulations. The Government of the Republic of Slovenia is not responsible for the accuracy, reliability or currency of the translations provided on this website, or for any consequence resulting from the use of information on this website. For all purposes of interpreting and applying law to any legal issue or dispute, users should consult the original Slovene texts published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia.

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