Damijan Sedar, Ambassador

Born on 26 April 1974 in Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia.
1998 - University in Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences – BA in Political Science – International Relations
Work Experience:
Since 16 July 2021, Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia to Bosnia and Herzegovina
2019-2021, MFA Slovenia, Department for Enlargement and SE Europe, Minister Plenipotentiary in charge of the EU Enlargement and Turkey, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2018-2019, Regional Office/Liaison Office Kosovo Specialist Chambers/Specialist Presecutorial Office, Head of the Office/Liaison Officer, Belgrade, Serbia
2017–2018, MFA Slovenia, National Coordinator SEECP C-i-O 2017 /2018, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2012-2017, EUO/EUSR Kosovo, Political Advisor, Pristina, Kosovo
2010-2012, MFA Slovenia, Head of the Western Balkans Division, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2009-2010, DEU/EUSR Skopje, Political Advisor, Skopje, North Macedonia
2005-2009, Permanent Representation of the Republic of Slovenia to the EU, Coweb Chair 2008, First Secretary-Advisor on Western Balkans, Brussels, Belgium
2002-2005, Consulate General of the Republic Slovenia in Munich, Viceconsul, Munich, Germany
2000-2002, MFA Slovenia, Departement for Neighbouring countries, Attache, Ljubljana, Slovenia
1999-2000, Insurance Triglav, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Language Skills:
English, German, Bosnian/Serbian/Croatian, Macedonian, French, Albanian (passive)
Marital status:
Married, one child