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Embassy to the Holy See Vatican


  • On World Bee Day focus on young people

    Today marks the fifth World Bee Day, declared by the UN General Assembly on Slovenia’s initiative on 20 December 2017. In this European Year of Youth, World Bee Day is dedicated to the future of beekeeping and the role of young people in raising awareness of its importance.

  • Consultation with the Holy See

    State Secretary Gašper Dovžan today held a consultation with Msgr Mirosław Stanisław Wachowski, the Under-Secretary of the Section for Relations with States of the Secretariat of State of the Holy See.

  • Letošnja obeležitev Svetovnega dneva čebel v duhu Mednarodnega leta kreativnega gospodarstva za trajnostni razvoj

    The protection of bees and other pollinators is closely linked with raising the awareness of the wider public on the adverse effects of human activities on pollinators and the devastating consequences these activities might have for life and food. The cultural and creative sectors have a significant impact on raising awareness and changing habits by underlining the problematic and promoting alternative, pollinator-friendly ways of living, consuming, farming, and others.