Home Slovenia’s representations abroad Embassy Warsaw About the Embassy Warsaw Head of mission Bojan Pograjc AmbassadorEmbassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Warsaw +48228498282 is.vog@wasraw.yssabmeols Diplomats Andreja Najžar First Counsellor, Economic Affairs is.vog@razjan.ajerdna Denis Curanović Second Secretary +48794258000 is.vog@civonaruc.sined Captain (N) Gorazd Bartol Defence Attaché is.srom@wasraw.ecnefed.ainevols Other representations Information about other Slovenian and foreign representations can be found on pages:Poland Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Warsaw Szucha Premium Offices, al. Jana Chrystiana Szucha 19, 4th floor 00-580 Warsaw Poland Show on map +48228498282 is.vog@wasraw.yssabmeols www.warsaw.embassy.si