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Slovenia Weekly: There is no going back

Now there is no going back, Minister of Infrastructure Vrtovec emphasised at the symbolic planting of the first shovel to start the construction of the third development axis. With this, we have made the first steps towards the realisation of decades-old ideas of a better road connection, particularly with Koroška. The trunk road will connect Koroška and Velenje with the motorway and will later continue on to the region of Bela Krajina. There is no way back now, the infrastructure minister stressed, calling on everyone to support the construction of the road. The new road is important not only for connecting strong regional economic centres, but also at the international level, as it will not end in Slovenia, but will continue on to Austria.

Another of the major development projects important not only for Slovenia, a long-awaited transmission line, is also now entering its construction phase. It represents a part of the connection between Slovenia, Hungary and Croatia and is one of the main priorities of the Slovenian government in the development of energy infrastructure. The transmission line will establish the first inter-state connection with the Hungarian transmission network, increase the operating reliability of the Slovenian electricity system, the transmission network and the import transmission capacity, and improve the reliability of power consumption in cases of unforeseen events or operational difficulties in Slovenia. The value of the project is slightly over EUR 150 million, of which around EUR 50 million is from EU funds, as the project is in the interests of several countries.

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