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Slovenia Weekly: Entire country as one region

The Government has decided that measures will no longer be linked to the regions due to the decreasing differences between individual parts of the country. Instead, the entire country will now be in the red zone. Consequently, kindergartens and the first three grades of primary schools will open on Tuesday across the country.

The differences in the epidemiological situations of individual regions have recently reduced significantly. Previously, the differences showed a ratio of one to three or more, but are now very small. Furthermore, the entire country has drawn closer to the orange level rather than the black one. In addition to ski resorts, libraries, museums and galleries will reopen across the country.

According to Prime Minister Janez Janša, the epidemic situation remains very serious as we are still at the very top in Europe in terms of the number of infections in the last week. But the trends are positive, he added. The Prime Minister highlighted that "we don’t want the longest epidemic in Europe." He finds it important that, in spite of all the pressures that arise, the Government does not depart from the plan adopted for easing of measures and abides by it. "This specifically contributes to predictability and clarity," emphasised the Prime Minister.