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Slovenia Weekly: Bright horizon

The world has changed since the COVID-19 pandemic, and the Russian-Ukrainian war has brought an additional challenge, said Prime Minister Janez Janša at the Business Summit, stressing that the outcome of the latest challenge in our eastern neighbourhood largely depends on when the economic situation more or less normalizes. “But in the past two years, you have proven that you can manage even in crisis situations,” the Prime Minister added, thanking the business sector for working together to tackle the pandemic challenge.

Although Europe and the world are moving from crisis to crisis, the business sector believes that the horizon remains bright, as was heard at the Business Summit in Brdo pri Kranju. In addition, there were calls for ambition, agility, and entrepreneurship in all areas of society, and, above all, integration and cooperation within the private sector and with other spheres of society.

The Government presented projects completed in Slovenian municipalities during the Government's 2020–2022 term of office, future projects already approved by the Government, and ongoing projects. The value of said projects reaches almost EUR 8 billion, of which nearly a billion and a half is accounted for by European funds. “This is the biggest investment boost that Slovenia has ever been able to provide. After a few years, this will be the next step on Slovenia’s progress ladder, a basis that will provide for higher salaries, higher pensions, better jobs, more investments and a better business environment.”