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Slovenia Weekly: Strength in unity

Europe’s strength is in its unity, said Prime Minister Robert Golob at a meeting in Paris attended by the representatives of several European and other countries. At the meeting aimed at exchanging views and responses on the situation in Ukraine, he also underlined the need for building up the European defence capabilities and industry. Most importantly, he called for an immediate ceasefire and urged all leaders to end the aggression and prevent further loss of life.

After last year’s successful sale of people’s bonds to the total value of EUR 261 million, Slovenia is planning another issue. Scheduled in March, its total amount will not be limited this time. The bond will again have a maturity of three-years and an interest rate of 2.75%. This is part of continued efforts to develop the capital market, disperse the savings of small investors and improve financial literacy.

  • PV AVK (Prime Minister Robert Golob)

    Prime Minister Golob: "Europe's strength lies in its unity"

    19. 2. 2025

    Prime Minister Robert Golob today took part in an informal meeting of a group of states organised by French President Emmanuel Macron.
  • Depositphotos 161005486 XL (Euro coins and graphs)

    The Ministry of Finance preparing for the second issue of retail bonds for natural persons

    19. 2. 2025

    After the successful first retail issue last year, the Ministry of Finance is preparing for the second issue of retail bonds. This is a part of the Ministry’s continued efforts to develop the capital market, disperse the savings of retail investors and improve financial literacy.
  • Mojca Ramsak (State Secretary Mojca Ramšak Pešec )

    142nd regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia 20 February 2025

    20. 2. 2025

    At today's session, the Government adopted a proposal for a new Public Employees Act, aimed at enhancing the competence and independence of public employees. It also approved the proposal for the Public Office Holders Act, which sets out the requirements for holding office and the rights of public office holders in state bodies and self-governing local communities.
  • slika 1 (Slovenian and Algerian delegations in armchairs, with both flags in the background)

    Slovenia and Algeria strengthen cooperation in space technologies

    18. 2. 2025

    The delegation of eight Slovenian space technology companies, which visited Algeria from 11 to 14 February to learn about the Algerian space sector and explore opportunities for bilateral cooperation, has returned to Slovenia. The visit represents an important step in strengthening economic cooperation in the field of space technologies and opens up new opportunities for Slovenian technological solutions on the North African market.
  • Srecko Kosovel 1920s 1

    Government proclaims 2026 year of the poet Srečko Kosovel

    13. 2. 2025

    The Government has proclaimed 2026 the year of the poet Srečko Kosovel to mark the 100th anniversary of his death. The proclamation was proposed by the Sežana Municipality. The proposal was supported by the Slovenian Writers' Association, while the Ministry of Culture included it among the important national cultural projects.
  • slovenia weekly 04

    Slovenia Weekly reader satisfaction survey

    21. 2. 2025

    Please find a short questionnaire regarding your satisfaction with the Government newsletter Slovenia Weekly.