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Slovenia Weekly: Drive away winter and welcome spring

Slovenia stands in solidarity with the Ukrainian people, who defend our common values of freedom, democracy and human dignity, Prime Minister Robert Golob said in a videoconference at the Defence and Security Strategy of Unity summit in Kiev on Monday. He assured that Slovenia will continue to work towards a just peace.

The next few days will once again be marked by Shrovetide carnival merriments across the country, with a number of more or less traditional carnival events and parades taking place. One of the most recognisable carnival characters in Slovenia are the “Kurents”, who chase away winter and summon the spring. Did you know that the Ptuj’s Kurentovanje carnival is one of the ten most interesting carnivals in the world? That's according to the renowned Lonely Planet, which ranked it alongside the famous Carnival in Rio de Janeiro. The Slovenia’s carnival merriments will culminate in the annual Sunday processions in Ptuj, where around 100,000 people are expected, and in Cerkno and Cerknica, where 50 years of the carnival tradition will be celebrated.

  • PV Ukrajina 1 24022025 (Robert Golob and his assistant seat at a table, with a flag and a curtain on the left and a screen on the right.)

    Prime Minister Golob: Slovenia stands in solidarity with the Ukrainian people

    24. 2. 2025

    Prime Minister Robert Golob today attended, via a web lnk, the "Defence and Security Strategy of Unity" Summit, convened by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on the third anniversary of Russia's aggression against Ukraine.
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    143rd regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

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    At today's session, the Government adopted a draft amendment to the Confiscation of Assets of Illicit Origin Act, the Decree on the compulsory health insurance service programmes, the capacities required for their implementation and the amount of funding for 2025. It also adopted measures to speed up the absorption of EU funds.
  • PV Milanovic 1 26022025 (Prime Minister Robert Golob met with Croatian President Zoran Milanović.)

    Prime Minister Golob meets with Croatian President Milanović

    26. 2. 2025

    Prime Minister Robert Golob met with the President of the Republic of Croatia, Zoran Milanović. This was Milanović’s first visit abroad since the start of his second term. The Prime Minister and the President confirmed that bilateral relations between the two countries were excellent and exchanged views on current international topics.
  • UKRAJINA 17 1 2024 39 (Ministrica zre v vozilo z napisi)

    Minister Fajon: Three years since the start of Russian aggression against Ukraine – Slovenia stands for a just and lasting peace

    23. 2. 2025

    "After three years of blatant violations of international law, Russian aggression must come to an end. A ceasefire must be achieved, along with adequate security guarantees for Ukraine. Slovenia remains committed to a just and lasting peace in Ukraine, and both Ukraine and EU Member States must engage in negotiations," emphasised the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, Tanja Fajon, on the third anniversary of the Russian aggression against Ukraine.
  • kurentovanje

    Carnival festivities to chase away winter

    27. 2. 2025

    Carnival festivities are starting across Slovenia again this weekend to chase away winter. Processions of costumes and carnival figures, more or less traditional, will take place on Saturday and Sunday. Pust, a personification of winter and everything bad that happened in the last year, will be buried on Shrove Tuesday.