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The Food and Feed Division participates in the drafting and adoption of regulations at the EU level and their transposition into national legislation. It drafts internal regulations governing the safety of food and feed.

In addition to its engagement in the area of general hygiene and hygiene regarding foodstuffs originating from animals, the Division also drafts monitoring programmes regarding zoonoses, microbiological criteria, additives, flavourings and enzymes, food labelling, contaminants, pesticides, genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in food and feed, the labelling of foodstuffs (including nutritional and health claims), residues of veterinary medicines, irradiated foodstuffs, radioactivity, and antimicrobial resistance. It cooperates with the Food Safety, Veterinary and Phytosanitary Inspection to deliver specific control programmes for these areas. It pays particular attention to novel and fortified foods.

The Division is active in the area of animal by-products (ABPs) and transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) and attaches considerable importance to feed, including medicated feed.

The Division provides guidance, recommendations, handbooks, checklists and various instructions for all the above areas, as well as education/training for inspectors/official veterinarians, business operators and other stakeholders. It is involved in the preparation of the official control programme, including the multi-annual control programme (MANCP). It lends professional support to inspectors and official veterinarians. It participates in the administration and keeping of registers, databases, records and directories within its remit. It is also involved in the development of IT systems designed for reporting to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). It takes part in certain administrative procedures, such as the designation of official laboratories, national reference laboratories, certification bodies and organisations providing evaluation of organoleptic properties and other bodies carrying out delegated tasks within its field of work.

The Division actively cooperates with the interested public and NGOs. It is involved in tasks concerning risk management and risk communication.

The Division participates in the planning of the budget for its area of work, the shaping and implementation of consumer protection and food policies. It collects and processes data of sampling results and also works together with the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) on zoonoses, contaminants in food and pesticide residues.

For efficiency at work, it is fundamental for the Division to become integrated and cooperate with EU institutions (the European Commission, EFSA, etc.) and other international organisations (the OIE, CA, etc.), the competent ministry and other ministries, bodies affiliated to them, other institutions and services, and various inter-ministerial working groups.