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The Plant Health and Plant Reproductive Material Division performs tasks relating to plant protection against diseases and pests, in particular the monitoring of plant diseases and pests, collection of data, preparation of analyses and measures, forecasting the occurrence or spread of diseases and plants pests, and the providing of information and reports.

The Phytosanitary Spatial Portal and the Agrometeorological Portal of Slovenia provide professional information on diseases and pests for producers. As regards agricultural plant reproductive material (seeds, propagating material and seedlings), the tasks of the Division are focused on ensuring the proper health status and quality of seed material in the EU market and international trade.

The Division conducts registration procedures for business operators and natural persons engaged in the production, preparation for the market, storage, marketing or movement of specific plants (including seed material), plant products and controlled objects and grants authorisation to facilities for the specific finishing of wood packaging material and licences for the use of organisms for biological plant protection. It also conducts the procedure for agricultural plant variety registration and issues the National List of Varieties.

The Division draws up and coordinates national draft regulations and participates in the drafting and implementation of EU legislation. It is also responsible for the implementation of various tasks relating to cooperation with international organisations engaged in the Division’s area of work. In provides citizens and businesses with information on regulations, conditions for trading in plants, training, publications, fees and other costs in the Division’s area of work.