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The Agency is tasked with conducting the most demanding procedures concerning the allocation of financial resources in the fields of agriculture, forestry, fisheries, the food processing industry and rural development. The Agency also carries out direct payment measures, rural development measures and agricultural market measures. It performs tasks related to the marketing information system, internal control and internal auditing.

The Agency ensures that payments are made to farmers and other beneficiaries in a timely and lawful manner from the national budget, the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF), the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), and the European Fisheries Fund (EFF). 

The Agency verifies whether applications and requests received meet administrative and content requirements. In considering applications in accordance with national and European legislation, it performs many administrative checks and on-the-spot checks and calculates payments. It ensures that the granted funds are paid to final recipients and reports to the Government and European institutions on such payments. In the aforementioned administrative procedures, the Agency decides as an authority of first instance.

The efficient, speedy and precise technical implementation of agricultural policy measures helps preserve rural areas and rural development in Slovenia and strengthens agricultural markets. The Agency provides services for the benefit of all stakeholders that are indirectly or directly related to agriculture and rural areas.

The Agency’s fundamental mission is to implement Common Agricultural Policy measures on the basis of the transparency, regularity and legality of all payments made.


Organisational units