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The Division was entrusted with the task of taking care of the archival records of administrative authorities dating from after the Second World War and of the archival records of the most important state authorities operating in the territory of Slovenia today. After Slovenia became independent, important processes of democratising public life – a change in the social order, the adoption of laws on denationalisation and the redress of injustice committed after the war, and the democratisation of society – took place in our national territory, increasing the interest of the (expert and general) public in the Slovenian archival heritage. To date, the Division has acquired the archival records of the most important state authorities dated up until 1990, which are stored in the funds of the Slovenian Assembly, the Slovenian Government, the Slovenian Presidency, the National Electoral Commission and predecessors of ministries.

The Division is responsible for managing the archival records in the area of administration that have been transferred to the Slovenian national archives; it also works with each of the public administration bodies in evaluating archival records and selecting it from current records created in the course of their operations. It participates in the preparation of regulations in the area of archival services and administrative management and works with creators in the preparation of written expert, technical and internal instructions that are the basis for the protection of the archival cultural heritage created in the course of their activities.

Considerable attention is devoted to the training of employees who handle current records. The Division organises seminars and provides additional training as preparation for the professional competence test for employees who are responsible for the receipt, recording and dispatch of current records in main offices, coordinating and supervising the handling of current records before it is transferred to the permanent collection, protecting current records in the permanent collection, and selecting and delivering archival records to the competent archives.