dr. Andrej Nared

Andrej Nared graduated and received his PhD from the Department of History at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, and has been working at the Slovenian state archives since 1998. After passing archival professional exam, he oversaw some of the early archival fonds related to regional administration, as well as some thematic collections and personal fonds and collections of archival records. Between 2013 and 2023 he was serving as a Deputy Director and since June 1, 2023 as the Acting Director of the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia. On April 5, 2024, he began his five-year term as the Director of the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia.
In addition to being engaged in the usual archival tasks of arranging and describing of archival records, being involved in the process of the acquisition of private archival records, processing written requests and working with clients, he has also devoted a lot of his time to the process of preparing archival exhibitions. He is co-author of thirteen exhibitions, of which some of the more publicly acclaimed are »Žiga Herberstein – odkritelj Rusije/Žiga Herberstein-the Discoverer of Russia« (2000), »Slovenska mesta skozi čas/Slovene Towns Through Time« (2003), »Kranjski deželni privilegiji 1338–1736/Carniolan Provincial Privileges« (2008), »Mostovi prijateljstva: utrinki iz slovensko-francoskih odnosov od 18. stoletja do danes/Bridges of Friendship: Glimpses of Slovenian-French Relations from the 18th Century to the Present Day« (2008), »Zapisano ostane: 70 let Arhiva Republike Slovenije/What is Written, Remains: 70 Years of the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia« (2015).
Between 2011 and 2015 he was the head of the team of archivists that prepared a successful representative archival exhibition titled »Arhivi – zakladnice spomina/Archives-Treasuries of Memory«. The project involved cooperation among the archivists of ten Slovenian archives and is now considered to be the largest Slovenian archival exhibition so far. For his work on the project, he was in 2016 awarded the Aškerc Recognition Award for special achievements in the field of archival science.
Since 2011 he has also been the editor of the online column titled »Arhivalija meseca/Archivalia of the Month«, which he created with the sole purpose to popularize archival materials.
He has been a member of a number of professional bodies in the fields of archival science, history and cultural heritage protection; he was a member of the Council of Experts for the Historical Archives Ljubljana (2003-2015), for the National and University Library (2016-2020), for the Archival Council at the Ministry of Culture (2018-2023), the National Committee for the Commemoration of the Centenary of the First World War (2012-2018), the Commission for the Awarding of the Klio Award at the Union of Historical Associations of Slovenia (2020-2022), and the Commission for the Professional Exams in The Field of Archival Records Protection (2012-).
He has also been an active member of the Archival Association of Slovenia; as the editor-in-chief of the journal Arhivi (2000-2002), the secretary of the association and a member of the editorial boards of the journal Arhivi and the book collection Viri (2002-2009). Since 2018 he has been acting as the head of the Commission for the Awarding of the Aškerc Award and Aškerc Recognition Award for special achievements in the field of archival science.
As a historian, his main interests are late medieval political and constitutional-legal history of a wider Slovenian territory, issues of structural transitions from the Middle Ages to early modern period, and the development of criminal law. He specializes in early history of the Carniolan provincial estates and diets. Recently, he has also been studying the history of the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia and its predecessors.