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The Electronic Archives and IT Support Division was established as an independent internal organisational unit of the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia after the law on archives was amended in 2006.

The Division is responsible for the development of computerisation of the Slovenian national archives, the maintenance of the information system of the archives and the performance of tasks in accordance with the provisions of the legislation on archives relating to e-storage. It participates in the provision of training and education in the area of e-storage and organises conferences, seminars, workshops and courses for employees of the Slovenian public archival service and for creators of archival records in Slovenia and abroad. It provides professional assistance to users of services in the area of long-term e-storage and to other entities. For the purpose of developing computerisation of the Slovenian national archives and maintaining the IT infrastructure, the Division participates in carrying out public procurement procedures. It also participates in the preparation of laws and other regulations, reports, information, analyses, and expert material and in presenting systemic and legislative developments.

The development of computerisation of the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia

The Division plans, develops, tests and introduces IT solutions to support archival work and is responsible for IT security. It is responsible for the development and establishment of the Slovenian Public Electronic Archives (, an EU funded project that, in addition to the Slovenian national archives, includes all regional archives.

It is also responsible for the development of methodologies and software tools for preparing electronic archival records and acquiring such archival records from creators, storing electronic archival records in e-archives, and facilitating access to the stored electronic archival records for interested users. The Division also promotes solutions in the area of long-term e-storage and e-archiving. With the establishment of electronic archives, the centre for digitalisation and digital film archives has become an integral part of the Division. The Division is also responsible for development, organisation and strategic IT management at the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia.

Maintenance of the IT system of the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia

The Division cooperates with the Ministry of Public Administration in maintaining the IT infrastructure of the Slovenian national archives regarding hardware, software, telecommunications equipment and horizontal building blocks of state administration.

Performance of tasks in accordance with the Slovenian legislation on archives

The Division also performs expert tasks as defined by the legislation on archives. Such tasks primarily include tasks related to ensuring the long-term preservation and storage of electronic archival records for both persons governed by public law and persons governed by private law. The Division works with archivists of the Slovenian public archival service in preparing instructions for the acquisition of electronic archival records, in participating in the handing over of such records, is responsible for the preservation of electronic archival records in e-archives, and provides access to such records for users.

The Division participates in the confirmation of internal rules for capture, e-storage and accompanying services in the field of information technology. It conducts procedures for the registration of providers of equipment and services related to long-term e-storage. It develops a methodology for certifying hardware, software and services in the area of long-term e-storage and carries out certification procedures.