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Another important area of the Archives' work is publishing. Issuing of publications is even included in Article 53 of the Protection of Documents and Archives and Archival Institution Act (PDAAIA) as one of the operational tasks to be performed by public archival service. The publishing of archival finding aids, such as guides and inventories, but also studies on archival sources and the actual sources themselves, assists our wide range of users in accessing and understanding the content of archival records. This goal corresponds with the obligation that archivists have in terms of facilitating access to archival records, as stated in Article 6 of the archival Code of Ethics, adopted at the 13th international archival congress held in Beijing in September 1996.

The Archives of the Republic of Slovenia published its first book in 1960, when it was still called the State Archives of the People's Republic of Slovenia. Since then it has published over 200 titles, ranging from comprehensive and elaborate books to a number of less extensive exhibition catalogues.

Books published by the Archives actually mirror the variety and complexity of work performed by us archivists. A special place among our publications is assigned to those that bring information about archival material which is kept outside the borders of Slovenia but holds special importance for the history of Slovenia and its people.