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Topics and Projects of the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia

The Online Column Archivalia of the Month

  • Archivalia of the Month


    The online column Archivalia of the month has been published since January 2011. Its purpose is to promote the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia and its archival holdings. Presented in the column are archival documents that are interesting visually and content-wise, as well as newly acquired documents or the ones that have so far been overlooked. Also published are documents relating to various anniversaries, current events and many more.

Archival Cultural Heritage

  • Public archival network

    Public archival service is provided by the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia and regional archives.

  • Archival records

    Archival records are priceless and as such they are considered a cultural monument. They constitute a small but most valuable part of current records and are of permanent significance for history, science and culture, as well as for the protection of legal interest of natural and legal persons. Their appearance had changed through time, and even today they come in different forms, bring different content, and can either be used in their original form or as reproductions.

  • Preservation of archival cultural heritage

    Archival records are a small but most valuable part of current records and the one which has permanent significance for history, science and culture, as well as for the legal protection of natural and legal persons. As such, they are considered to be a cultural monument.

  • Slovenian electronic archives

    Due to widespread implementation of information technology in our everyday lives and because of its extensive use in all areas and at all levels of modern society, current and archival records are now being produced in a number of different forms, which poses a unique challenge to Slovenian public archives.

Completed Projects

  • Project

    Completed is a complex environment intended for e-archiving. It includes procedures for submitting digitized and born digital records into the public Archives as well as their processing, long-term preservation (in accordance with valid legislation), and further use.

  • E-ARK3 Project


    Under the umbrella of the E-ARK3 Project 20 partners are supporting the development of the CEF eArchiving Building Block as a solution for long-term information assurance. It provides the specifications, reference software, training and service desk support for digital archiving.

  • E-ARK4ALL Project


    The E-ARK4ALL Project is a consortium of five partners working with the European Commission’s Connecting Europe Facility (CEF). The Archive of the Republic of Slovenia participates in the projectas a partner in the DLM Forum.