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We conduct and organise the work of the inspection service, perform direct inspections of occupational health and safety and prepare the most demanding types of material, records and reports on the work of the inspection service and inspectorate.

We formulate the most demanding systemic solutions and participate in the drafting of legal and implementing texts regulating the area of controlling occupational health and safety. We work to ensure the promotion of a policy and culture of health and safety at work, as laid down in the national programme of the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union guidelines. We draw up programmes of work and other necessary material for the work of the inspection service and inspectorate, and instructions for implementing coordinated, targeted and other actions of the inspection service. We monitor and steer the work of the inspectors in regional units, and we work to ensure a uniform method of carrying out inspections and coordinated work, and offer expert assistance to inspectors in the area of inspection control. We perform professional controls over the work of inspectors in internal organisational units. We participate in project groups, coordination groups and other forms of cooperation among inspection services, inspectorates and other bodies. We provide education, professional training and enhancement. We prepare the basis and documents for cooperation with international organisations and authorities in the area of the inspection service’s work. We collaborate on the most demanding project and other tasks associated with the operation of the inspectorate.