Legislation of the Labour Inspectorate
- Employment Relationships Act
- Health and Safety at Work Act
- Social Assistance Act
- Labour Inspection Act
- Inspection Act
- General Administrative Procedure Act
- Minor Offences Act
- Rules on the costs of minor offence proceedings
- Court Fees Act
- Administrative Fees Act
- State Administration Act
- Decree on bodies within ministries
- Rules on service ID cards for inspectors
- Rules on the professional examination for inspectors
- Decree on administrative operations
- Personal Data Protection Act
- Public Information Access Act
Employment Relationships
- Act ratifying the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the Employment of Citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Republic of Slovenia and the Protocol on the Implementation of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the Employment of Citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Employment, Self-employment and Work of Foreigners Act
- Minimum Wage Act
- "Labour and Social Security Registers Act"
- Strike Act
- Collective Agreements Act
- Worker Participation in Management Act
- European Works Councils Act
- Zakon o sodelovanju delavcev pri upravljanju evropske zadruge
- Participation of Workers in Management of the European Public Limited-Liability Company Act (SE)
- Labour Market Regulation Act
- Employment and Insurance Against Unemployment Act
- Pension and Disability Insurance Act
- Act Governing the Register of Insured Persons and Beneficiaries of Rights Provided under Pension and Disability Insurance
- Parental Protection and Family Benefits Act
- National Professional Qualifications Act
- Organisation and Financing of Education Act
- Vocational Education Act
- Medical Services Act
- Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment of Persons with Disabilities Act
- Public Use of the Slovene Language Act
- Protection Against Discrimination Act
- Equal Opportunities for Women and Men Act
- Agriculture Act
- Exercising of the Public Interest in Culture Act
- Act Regulating the Working Time and Compulsory Rest Periods of Mobile Workers and on Recording Equipment in Road Transport
- Act Fixing the Reimbursement Amounts for Work Related Expenses and Certain Other Receipts
- State Employees Act
- Salaries of Employees in Public Educational Institutions Act
- Volunteering Act
- Social Entrepreneurship Act
- Maritime Code
- Fiscal Balance Act
- Enforcement of Criminal Sanctions Act
- Companies Act
- Criminal Code
- Criminal Procedure Act
- Public Employees Act
- Health Care and Health Insurance Act
- Decree establishing the employment quota for persons with disabilities
- Decree on granting regional aid and on methods for the implementation of regional employment initiatives and employment and investment tax relief
- Regulation on detailed arrangements to grant awards and recognitions of the Republic of Slovenia for volunteering
- Decree on Measures to Protect the Dignity of Employees of State Administration
- Rules on criteria and procedure for determining the subsidy amount for salaries of disabled workers
- Rules on criteria and procedure to acquire the status of a person with disability and the right to vocational rehabilitation and to assess employment opportunities of persons with disabilities and on activities of rehabilitation commissions
- Rules concerning the working methods of the Commission establishing grounds for termination of employment contract
- Rules on issuing work permits for children under 15 years of age
- Rules on Protection of Health at Work of Children, Adolescents and Young Persons
- Rules on conditions for performing activities of employment agencies
- Rules on the composition of the commissions for the assessment and verification of national professional qualifications and on the method and procedure for granting and withdrawing a licence
- Rules on permanent professional training of the members of commission for verification and certification of national vocational qualifications
- Rules concerning the adoption of catalogues of professional knowledge and skill standards for obtaining national vocational qualifications
- Rules on the national vocational qualification’s official document – certificate and its duplicate
- Rules on keeping the register of providers of national vocational qualifications assessment and validation
- Rules on the Standard Classification of Occupations
- Rules on the registration and deregistration from the registers, the employment plan, the rights and obligations in seeking employment and the supervision of persons entered in the registers
- Rules on the registration and publication of a vacancy or of a type of work, employment mediation process and the content and methods of reporting data to the Employment Service of Slovenia
- Rules on the methods of reporting information on job vacancies or types of work to the Employment Service of Slovenia, on public notices and on employment brokerage
- Rules on the implementation of active employment policy measures
- Rules on pursuing the activity of providing labour for user companies
- Rules on waivers and partial debt relief, deferrals of payment and instalment payments as regards the financing of labour market actions and implementing authorities
- Rules on worker's inclusion in labour market measures during the period of notice
- Instruction for the calculation and payment of tax on temporary or casual work
- Rules on personal supplementary work
- Rules on processing and submission of data relating to employment and work of foreigners in the Republic of Slovenia
- Rules on minimum standards for accommodation of foreigners employed and working in the Republic of Slovenia
- Collective agreement for Slovenia’s trade sector
- Collective Agreement for the Agriculture and Food Processing Industry
- Collective Agreement on the Wage Adjustment Method, Reimbursement of Work-related Expenses, and Holiday Bonus
- Collective agreement for the construction industry
- Collective agreement for the metal products and foundry industry
- Collective Agreement for the Paper and Paper-converting Industry
- Collective Agreement for the Graphics Sector
- Collective Agreement for Slovenia's Electrical Industry
- Collective Agreement for the Newspaper, Publishing and Bookselling Sector
- Collective agreement for the Slovenian metal sector
- Collective Agreement for Road Management Activities
- Collective Agreement for the Extraction and Processing of Non-Metallic Minerals Industry
- Collective agreement for the textile, clothing and leather industry in Slovenia
- Collective Agreement for the Wood Industry
- Collective agreement for the health care and social protection sector
- Collective Agreement for non-commercial activities in the Republic of Slovenia
- Collective agreement on the establishing of the civil servants pension scheme
- Collective agreement for persons employed in health care
- Collective Agreement for the Railway Transport Sector
- Collective agreement for the Slovenian coal mining industry
- Collective agreement on the forestry in Slovenia
- Collective agreement on common methodology for classifying benchmark posts and titles into salary groups
- Collective Agreement for the Education Sector in the Republic of Slovenia
- Collective Agreement for Doctors and Dentists in the Republic of Slovenia
- Collective agreement for the cultural sector in the Republic of Slovenia
- Collective agreement for research activities
- Collective agreement for compulsory social security services – tariff schedule
- Collective agreement on the Slovenian banking sector
- Kolektivna pogodba med delavci in družbami drobnega gospodarstva (KPdg)
- Collective agreement for police officers
- Collective Agreement for Real-Estate Business
- Collective Agreement for Professional Journalists
Health and Safety at work
- Employment and Work of Foreigners Act
- Employment, Self-employment and Work of Foreigners Act
- Prevention of Undeclared Work and Employment Act
- Public Use of the Slovene Language Act
- Restriction on the Use of Tobacco Products and Related Products Act
- Explosives and Pyrotechnic Articles Act
- Act Regulating Technical Requirements for Products and Conformity Assessment
- Protection against Drowning Act
- Zakon o sodelovanju delavcev pri upravljanju evropske zadruge
- National Professional Qualifications Act
- Companies Act
- Criminal Code
- Criminal Procedure Act
- Resolution on the National Programme of Health and Safety at Work 2018–2027
- Decree on safety and health protection at work at temporary and mobile construction sites
- Decree on the conditions for the disposal of materials containing asbestos in the demolition, reconstruction or maintenance of buildings and in the maintenance and decommissioning of plants
- Decree on the protection of workers from risks related to exposure to artificial optical radiation
- Decree on the protection of workers from risks related to exposure to electromagnetic radiation
- Decree on special requirements for premises containing explosives or pyrotechnic articles
- Decree on measures concerning the destruction of explosives or pyrotehnic products
- Decree on the implementation of the Regulation (EU) on personal protective equipment
- Rules on minimum standards for accommodation of foreigners employed and working in the Republic of Slovenia
- Rules on requirements for ensuring safety and health of workers at a workplace
- Rules on health and safety requirements for the use of work equipment
- Rules on personal protective equipment used by workers at work
- Rules on ensuring safety and health in manual handling of loads
- Rules on safety and health requirements for work with display screen equipment
- Rules on safety signs at work
- Rules on the protection of workers from risks related to exposure to vibration at work
- Rules on the protection of workers from risks related to exposure to noise at work
- Rules on explosion protection
- Pravilnik o varovanju zdravja pri delu nosečih delavk, delavk, ki so pred kratkim rodile ter doječih delavk
- Rules on Protection of Health at Work of Children, Adolescents and Young Persons
- Rules on issuing work permits for children under 15 years of age
- Rules on the protection of workers from risks related to exposure to chemical substances at work
- Rules on the protection of workers from risks related to exposure to asbestos at work
- Practical guidelines for the work with dangerous chemical agents
- Practical guidelines on risk assessment for work with dangerous chemical agents
- Practical guidelines for health surveillance and biological monitoring of lead
- Rules on machinery safety
- "Rules relating to the making available on the market of electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits"
- Rules on electromagnetic compatibility
- Rules on preventive medical examinations of workers
- Rules on the list of occupational diseases
- Rules on the organisation, materials and first-aid kit at a workplace
- Rules on authorisations for carrying out professional tasks in the field of safety at work
- Rules on the criteria to be met by safety professionals
- Rules on programme and method of training for safety and health at work co-ordinators at temporary and mobile construction sites
- Rules on safety at work with regard to electric current hazards
- Rules on the professional training and examination required for energy installation managers
- Rules on the reports in the field of safety at work
- Rules on pressure vessels
- Rules on simple pressure vessels
- Rules on the examination and testing of pressure vessels
- Rules on protection in loading and unloading of motor vehicles
- Rules on safety and health requirements for work on board fishing vessels
- Rules on safety at work in the forest industry
- Rules on the requirements to be met by smoking rooms
- Rules on the minimum standards and norms for the provision of funeral services
- Rules on general measures and norms for safety at work with elevators
- Practical guidelines for the protection of workers from noise in the music and entertainment sectors
Social Affairs Inspection Service Legislation
- Act Ratifying the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Republic of Macedonia on Interstate Adoptions
- Parental Protection and Family Benefits Act
- Exercise of Rights from Public Funds Act
- Social Assistance Payments Act
- Scholarship Act
- "Act Regulating Adjustments of Transfers to Individuals and Households in the Republic of Slovenia"
- Mental Health Act
- Family Code
- Domestic Violence Prevention Act
- Provision of Foster Care Act
- Social Inclusion of Disabled Persons Act
- Personal Assistance Act
- Placement of Children with Special Needs Act
- Non-Contentious Civil Procedure Act
- Civil Procedure Act
- Criminal Code
- Criminal Procedure Act
- Enforcement of Criminal Sanctions Act
- Enforcement and Security Act
- Housing Act
- Citizenship of the Republic of Slovenia Act
- Residence Registration Act
- Foreigners Act
- International Protection Act
- Register of Deaths, Births and Marriages Act
- Health Care and Health Insurance Act
- Patients’ Rights Act
- Kindergartens Act
- Personal Name Act
- Police Tasks And Powers Act
- Denationalization Act
- Labour Market Regulation Act
- Temporary Protection of Displaced Persons Act
- Act Regulating the Use of Slovene Sign Language
- Basic School Act
- Energy Act
- Probation Act
- Decree on the criteria for determining exemptions from the payment of social assistance services
- Rules on procedures for exercising the right to institutional care
- Rules on social services price formation methodology
- Rules on concessions in the field of social assistance
- Rules on the engagement in the provision of social services on the basis of a work permit and entry into the register
- Rules on settlement of objections to social assistance services provided by private undertakings
- Rules on the programming, monitoring and carrying out of professional work supervision in the field of social assistance
- Rules on minimum technical requirements for social assistance services providers
- Rules on methods and conditions of access to the central database of rights to public funds
- Rules on the method for determining property and the value thereof when allocating public funds, and on the reasons for reducing social assistance cash benefits
- Rules on the method of determining incomes to establish eligibility for payments from public funds
- Rules on performing Community treatment of people with long-standing Mental Health problems
- Rules on staff, technical and premises requirements for institutional care providers and Social Work Centres providing mental health services, and on the verification procedure thereof
- Rules on the organisation and work of multidisciplinary teams and regional services and on the activities of social work centres in dealing with domestic violence
- Rules on procedures for dealing with domestic violence in the implementation of health activities
- Rules on cooperation between the police and other authorities in the detection and prevention of domestic violence
- Rules on the Treatment of Domestic Violence for Educational Institutions
- Rules on Procedures for Claiming Rights to Family Benefits
- Rules on Procedures for Claiming Rights Under Parental Protection Insurance
- Rules on criteria for claiming rights for children in need of special care
- Rules on implementation of educational measure
- Instructions on notifying of juvenile runaways or his/her avoidance the enforcement of a correctional measure
- Rules on implementation of educational measure of committing a juvenile to a juvenile correction facility
- Rules on card and voucher for exercising the right to Slovenian sign language interpreter
- Rules on probation duties
- Inheritance Act
- Obligations Code
- Legal Aid Act
- Private International Law and Procedure Act
- Human Rights Ombudsman Act
- Rules concerning planning and organizing the continuing professional education and training
- Rules on mediation in criminal matters
- Rules on Carrying Out of Work to the Common Benefit
- Rules on the rental of non-profit apartments
- Rules on restraining order prohibiting from approaching a particular person, place or area
- Rules on police powers
- Rules on subsidised student accommodation
- Rules on issuing work permits for children under 15 years of age