About the Natural Resources and Spatial Planning Inspectorate
It supervises the implementation of regulations in the field of housing and surveying as well as in the fields of environmental protection and nature conservation, water management, industrial pollution and genetically modified organisms. It also performs administrative and expert tasks in the field of cross-border shipment of waste, with the exception of radioactive waste.
This is achieved through routine, non-routine and control inspections, coordinated inspection campaigns, minor offence proceedings, and enforcement. In fields where major irregularities were identified in the past, where amendments to specific sectoral legislation redefined supervision and where there is a broader public interest, the inspectorate also performs targeted inspection campaigns. Additionally, it participates in joint campaigns with other inspectorates and in coordinated campaigns organised by the Inspection Council and regional coordination groups of the regional units.
Every report of legal or natural persons is classified by the criteria determined in the Construction Act and the internal act of the inspectorate. The classification according to these criteria determines the prioritisation of the reports. Priority is given to those reports that indicate a threat to human health and life, public security, or high-value property.
Organisational units of the Inspectorate
Natural Resources and Mining Inspection Service
Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning
Natural Resources and Spatial Planning Inspectorate of the Republic of SloveniaVožarski pot 12
1000 Ljubljana
mag. Suzana Macolič
Director -
Construction and Surveying Inspection Service
Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning
Natural Resources and Spatial Planning Inspectorate of the Republic of SloveniaDunajska cesta 56
1000 Ljubljana
Andreja Troha
Director -
General and Legal Affairs Service
Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning
Natural Resources and Spatial Planning Inspectorate of the Republic of SloveniaDunajska cesta 56
1000 Ljubljana
Melina Omrzel-Petek
Head -
Division for the System and Support to Inspection Services
Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning
Natural Resources and Spatial Planning Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia