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The Inspectorate supervises the implementation of regulations governing administrative procedure and operations and regulations governing public sector wages and employee relations. The supervision generally covers the implementation of regulations falling within the remit of the Ministry of Public Administration, but the mandate for supervision may also be granted by other regulations.

The Inspectorate supervises the implementation of regulations on administrative procedure and operations, regulations on public sector wages and employee relations, regulations on electronic identification and trust services, and regulations on the accessibility of websites and mobile applications. The supervision generally covers the implementation of regulations falling within the remit of the Ministry of Public Administration, but the mandate for supervision may also be granted by other regulations. The Inspectorate supervises state authorities, bodies of local communities, bearers of public authority, legal and natural persons (when they adopt administrative decisions or carry out administrative tasks), and other public law entities (public agencies, public funds, public institutions, public utility institutes and other public law entities) which are indirect users of the state budget or local community budgets and are bound by said regulations, public bodies subject to law governing public procurement, and other legal and natural persons. Supervision is conducted ex officio on the basis either of motions or other information pointing to possible irregularities or following a decision for systemic supervision of certain budgetary users for which the risks of regulations violations are deemed higher.


Inspectorate units