About the Environment Agency
Slovenian Environment Agency is a body of the Ministry for the Environment, Climate and Energy. Its mission is to monitor, collect, analyse and evaluate environmental data, as well as to forecast natural phenomena and processes in order to reduce natural hazards to people and property.
Slovenian Environment Agency:
- carries out the tasks of the national meteorological, hydrological, oceanographic and seismological services,
- issues warnings about storms, floods, heat stress, fire danger, high winds, avalanche risk and air pollution,
- monitors soil, water and air conditions,
- carry out tasks related to operational monitoring,
- performs administrative tasks related to the responsibility for the prevention or remediation of environmental damage,
- collects data on waste and products placed on the market for which producers have extended producer responsibility,
- fulfills or participates in the implementation of the Republic of Slovenia's international obligations and carries out international data exchange on the status and pressures of soil, water and air.
Calibration Laboratories
- About Calibration Laboratory (pdf, 30 KB)
- Air Quality (pdf, 25 KB)
- Temperature (pdf, 24 KB)
- Air Pressure (pdf, 22 KB)
- Relative Humidity (pdf, 22 KB)
Chemical Analysis Laboratory
- About Chemical Analitysis Laboratory (pdf, 56 KB)