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The Harbour Master’s Office performs administrative and expert tasks related to navigation safety and maritime transport regulations, provides the watch service and navigation monitoring service, and ensures search and rescue operations at sea. The Office supervises the implementation of navigation safety regulations and regulations on order in ports and in the rest of territorial and internal sea waters and performs inspections to ensure regular maintenance of navigation safety facilities.

In addition, it provides expert control in relation to the maintenance of public transport port infrastructure and the regular collection of ships’ waste. 

Organisational units

  • Port Traffic Section

    Ministry of Infrastructure
    Slovenian Maritime Administration

    Kopališko nabrežje 9
    6000 Koper

    Aljoša Besednjak

  • Traffic Control and Rescue Section

    Ministry of Infrastructure
    Slovenian Maritime Administration

    Kopališko nabrežje 9
    6000 Koper

    Bajec Primož

  • Development and EU project Section

    Ministry of Infrastructure
    Slovenian Maritime Administration

    Kopališko nabrežje 9
    6000 Koper

    Miran Bordon

  • Seafarers and Ship's Register Section

    Ministry of Infrastructure
    Slovenian Maritime Administration

    Kopališko nabrežje 9
    6000 Koper

    Lorna Prelaz