About the Slovenian Nuclear Safety Administration
It undertakes inspections in these areas, and in the event of a radiological or nuclear emergency it cooperates with the Civil Protection Headquarters of the Republic of Slovenia in determining protective measures for the population and providing public information. It also fulfils international obligations and performs tasks of international data exchange.
The Administration has a management system in place which enables a smooth and effective operation of the organisation and ensures compliance with all safety, health, environmental, physical protection, quality and economic requirements.
The Administration is cooperating with the following international organisations:
- International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
- European Union (EU)
- Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA/OECD)
- Western European Nuclear Regulators Association (WENRA)
- International Nuclear Law Association (INLA)
- European Nuclear Security Regulators Association (ENSRA)
- Association of the Heads of European Radiological Protection Competent Authorities (HERCA)
- Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) and Zangger Committee
- European Association of Competent Authorities - Together for a safe and sustainable transport of radioactive material (EACA)
Internal organisational units
Management and Cyber Security Division
Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning
Slovenian Nuclear Safety AdministrationLitostrojska cesta 54
1000 Ljubljana -
Nuclear Safety Division
Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning
Slovenian Nuclear Safety AdministrationLitostrojska cesta 54
1000 Ljubljana -
Radiation Safety and Security Division
Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning
Slovenian Nuclear Safety AdministrationLitostrojska cesta 54
1000 Ljubljana -
Emergency Preparedness Division
Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning
Slovenian Nuclear Safety AdministrationLitostrojska cesta 54
1000 Ljubljana -
Radiation and Nuclear Safety Inspection
Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning
Slovenian Nuclear Safety AdministrationLitostrojska cesta 54
1000 Ljubljana
The Republic Committee for Energy, Industry and Construction was responsible, up until 1987, for matters regarding the safety of nuclear facilities and for the inspection of the implementation of the laws, regulations and general acts falling within the competence of the Republic and governing the safety of nuclear facilities. In 1982, the Committee for Energy, Industry and Construction issued the licence for the commercial operation of the Krško Nuclear Power Plant.
In 1987, the Republic Administration for Nuclear Safety (RUJV) was established as an independent administrative authority under the Act on the Organisation and Remit of the Republic Administrative Authorities and Organisations. The RUJV was then responsible for matters of safety of nuclear facilities and for the inspections of the implementation of the laws, regulations and general acts falling within the competence of the Republic and governing the safety of nuclear facilities.
Under the Organisation and Remit of the Republic Administration Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS], No. 27/91), which entered into force on 28 July 1991, the RUJV became an administrative body of the then Ministry of Environmental Protection and Spatial Planning and was responsible for administrative and technical matters relating to nuclear safety, transport of nuclear and radioactive material, nuclear material balance, liability for nuclear damage, qualification and schooling of nuclear facility users’ staff, quality assurance, inspections of the implementation of the laws, regulations and general acts governing nuclear facilities, and other relevant matters laid down by said Act.
Under the Organisation and Remit of the Ministries Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS], No. 71/94), adopted in November 1994, the RUJV was renamed the Slovenian Nuclear Safety Administration (SNSA). The new Act also partially extended its competence to the field of radiological safety of nuclear facilities and physical protection of nuclear material and nuclear facilities.
At its meeting of 11 July 2002, the National Assembly adopted the Ionising Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS], No. 67/02). The Act entered into force on 1 October 2002. The Act was adapted to the requirements of the EU regulations on radiation and nuclear safety and to the requirements of international legal acts which were succeeded by the Republic of Slovenia and have already been ratified or signed. The Act extended the areas of competence of the URSJV to also monitoring radioactivity outside nuclear facilities, except in medicine and veterinary medicine.