International Cooperation Service
The Working Party on Atomic Questions (ATO) active within the Council of the EU deals with legislative proposals and other documents and coordinates nuclear and radiation safety issues in the EU. The Service, together with the Permanent Representation in Brussels, monitors the work of this working group as well as the work of the Slovenian representatives on the committees operating under the Euratom Treaty. In addition, it monitors the work of international associations such as WENRA (Western European Nuclear Regulators Association), INLA (International Nuclear Law Association), ENSRA (European Nuclear Security Regulators Association), HERCA (Association of the Heads of European Radiological Protection Competent Authorities), and EACA (European Association of Competent Authorities) and others.
With regard to the IAEA, the Service is involved in the preparation of platforms for annual IAEA General Conferences and of resolutions for the Board of Governors meetings. It also produces reports on such participation and coordinates these activities under the auspices of the IAEA, sends opinions on draft documents, carries out activities under the technical cooperation programme, and organises meetings, workshops and courses.
The Service is involved in the conclusion and implementation of bilateral and multilateral treaties in the field of nuclear and radiation safety, keeps track of the European and international legislation, cooperates with foreign administrative authorities in the field of nuclear and radiation safety, and organises visits of SNSA staff abroad and of foreign representatives in Slovenia. It also coordinates the international aid projects benefitting third countries in the field of nuclear and radiation safety in which the SNSA takes part.