At today's session, the Government adopted proposed new amendments to the Health Services Act, which strengthens the role of public healthcare institutions and regulates the transition from public to private healthcare – the regulation improves the efficiency and fairness of the healthcare system and eliminates conflicts of interest. The Government also approved the proposal for the Resolution on the Prevention of Corruption in the Republic of Slovenia.
At today's session, the Government adopted an amendment to the Road Traffic Rules Act, which provides for stricter treatment of drivers who do not establish a rescue lane or drive in an established rescue lane and thereby prevent drivers of emergency vehicles, rescue workers, firefighters and police officers from carrying out urgent tasks to save lives.
At today's session, the Government approved the starting points for the residential property tax and tax relief on labour costs. It called for a revision of the methodology used to calculate network charges and requested the resignation of the members of the Energy Agency Council. The Government also began deliberations on the draft Mass Media Act and the proposed amendment to the Health Services Act.
133rd regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia
At today's session, the Government adopted a new foreign policy strategy and an amendment to the Labour and Social Security Registers Act, as well as updated the Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan. It also discussed an amendment to the Social Assistance Act and issued an amendment to the Decree on the compulsory health insurance service programme, capacities required to implement it and the amount of funding for services for 2024.
132nd regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia
At today's session, the Government adopted a proposal for an amendment to the Municipal Financing Act, which provides systemic solutions for covering additional costs of municipalities and a starting point for the preparation of legislative proposals on Roma issues. It also reviewed the List of Beneficiaries of the Eighth Set of Advance Payments for the Reconstruction of Housing Due to Floods and Landslides from August 2023.
131st regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia
At today's session, the Government took a number of important decisions. Among other things, it finalised the text of the draft Act Determining Additional Intervention Measures to Ensure Accessibility in Healthcare and the text of the Act Amending the Pharmacy Practice Act, and adopted amendments to the Long-Term Care Act.
News from ministries
Another great achievement of Slovenia's diplomacy – the IRENA Presidency
November 20 – Day of Public Libraries
Minister Arčon: "Korotan is a symbol of Slovenian identity in Vienna."
The government adopts several measures to cut electricity bills this winter
Response to the European Commission's 2024 Rule of Law Report