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The Division for the Promotion of Slovenia plans and implements general promotional and information activities and campaigns of the State and state presentations and appearances at home and abroad and monitors and analyses their effectiveness.

It edits and publishes promotional materials and publications about Slovenia, sends general promotional information about Slovenia to target publics, and plans, manages and coordinates online communication related to the Office’s communication projects and promotional and information campaigns.

The Government Communication Office is the guardian of the national brand I feel Slovenia. The Division for the Promotion of Slovenia is responsible for the development and management of the brand and ensures that the brand and its elements are used properly. It also promotes and supports the use of the brand for promotional purposes.

  • website website is the main national access point which provides users quick and easy access to information in English about Slovenia.

  • Sinfo - promotional magazine

    Sinfo - magazine in English that promotes Slovenia. Promotional magazine brings news from Slovenia on business, culture, science, sports and tourism.