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This English-language promotional magazine features a selection of interesting articles on business, culture, science, sport and tourism.
  • Sinfo 2 2024

    The biggest event of the year 2024 is surely the Olympic Games in Paris. The Slovenian Tourist Board and the Slovenian Olympic Committee - Association of Sports Federations, together with others, including the Slovenian Government Communications Office, are presenting Slovenia as a sporting superpower. In this issue, we present our Olympic heroes, the beautiful Olympic collection and invite you to the Slovenian House. And we haven't forgotten Slovenia's colourful Olympic history and its sporting achievements.

  • Sinfo 1 2024

    Since independence, Slovenia has also been successfully involved in the international community in various fields, especially at regional level in Europe. With the accession to NATO and the European Union 20 years ago, the challenges for Slovenia have become even greater. These are not only challenges within the community, but above all challenges in asserting ourselves. It is not only about political assertion, but also cultural, social and economic assertion.