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Office of the Prime Minister


  • State Secretary Danijel Levičar at the SEEnergy International Fair

    Danijel Levičar, State Secretary for the National Nuclear Programme, today took part in a debate on the role of nuclear energy in the green transition, which took place as part of the international SEEnergy conference in Celje.

  • State Secretary Igor Mally at a meeting of the Ambassadors of EU Member States

    The State Secretary for European Affairs in the Office of the Slovenian Prime Minister, Igor Mally, attended the meeting of the Ambassadors of the EU Member States in Slovenia (EU HoMs) on Tuesday, 24 October 2023, at the invitation of the Ambassador of Spain, H.E. Juan Arístegui Laborde, in his capacity as Chairman of the meeting.

  • State Secretary Benedejčič receives high Ukrainian decoration

    Based on a decree issued by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to the Republic of Slovenia, Andriy Taran, awarded the State Secretary for National and International Security, Andrej Benedejčič, the Order of Prince Jaroslav the Wise.

The Office of the Prime Minister performs coordinating, organisational, expert and administrative tasks for the Prime Minister. It prepares background documents for the measures and decisions of the Prime Minister related to leading and directing the work of the Government and for coordinating the work of the ministries in the implementation of the political and administrative policies thereof. The Office monitors the implementation of binding instructions given to ministers by the Prime Minister in relation to tasks relevant to the work of individual ministries which stem from Government policies and decisions.

Head of Office

State Secretaries

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