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The Translation and Interpretation Division provides, on a daily and project basis, written translations of legal acts and specialist documents from Slovenian into foreign languages and vice versa and simultaneous, consecutive and whispered conference interpreting of bilateral talks, international conferences, seminars and workshops. It provides language editing services for Slovenian texts and translations and the certification of translations.

It participates in the Permanent Coordination Group for the Revision of the Slovenian Texts of International Instruments to be Published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia. It also maintains, disseminates and upgrades the multi-lingual terminology database Evroterm and the language corpus Evrokorpus.

The Division also formulates terminology solutions and cooperates with various state authorities and academic and other institutions in Slovenia and abroad in developing professional terminology and linguistic technologies. It maintains servers and prepares documents for computer-aided translation.

It processes glossaries for terminology harmonisation and inclusion in the terminology database. The Division coordinates the work of internal translators and contractors and keeps records of, disseminates and archives documents, and draws up reports.