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  • In the new episode of the government GOVSI podcast, hosted by Petra Bezjak Cirman, we delved into the world of statistics with guests Apolonija Oblak Flander, Director-General of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SURS), and Martin Bajželj, Head of the Data Publishing and Communication Sector. They discussed the importance of statistics for everyday decision-making, societal governance, and economic development.

The National Statistics Act defines it as an independent expert government office. The mission of the Office is to provide its users with statistical data on the current state and trends in the fields of economy, demography, society and the environment. The data must be of appropriate quality, timely, temporally and internationally comparable, and presented clearly and comprehensively. The Office is a part of the European Statistical System and actively participates in the working groups and committees of Eurostat, the Statistical Office of the European Union, and the technical and infrastructural projects that the Eurostat coordinates. Furthermore, it is included in all procedures of preparation, coordination and adoption of European legislation on statistics. It coordinates the implementation of statistical surveys among all institutions that are, in addition to the Office, authorised to carry out activities in connection with Slovenian national statistics in certain fields. It is also authorised to engage in international cooperation in the field of statistics and determine methodological and classification standards. It is also its responsibility to ensure the confidentiality of collected data and to strive for modern data dissemination that is adapted to the needs of different user groups.