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The European Affairs and International Cooperation Service is responsible for European affairs and bilateral and multilateral cooperation. We also assess and monitor State aid schemes, coordinate research activities within the Ministry's remit and carry out activities related to the accreditation of the paying agency.

On EU matters, we coordinate the drafting of the Ministry's positions on the adoption of legislative proposals and other EU acts. We also coordinate the Ministry’s activities in the EU Agriculture and Fisheries Council, in the Special Committee on Agriculture and in the Permanent Representatives Committee.

We manage and coordinate bilateral and regional cooperation with other EU Member States, candidate countries and third countries, and in the context of multilateral cooperation we follow the activities of the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the World Trade Organisation (WTO). We also cooperate with organisations in neighbouring countries. 

Our tasks also include the management of the World Bee Day Task Force.