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The Internal Audit Service performs tasks related to the internal audit of organisational units of the Ministry. It provides independent and objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve the Ministry’s operations. The matters within its competence include the preparation of regulations and procedures concerning the internal audit at the Ministry and the assessment of the management of the organisation, of risk-management procedures, and of the effectiveness and efficiency of controls. It also evaluates and monitors the implementation of internal audit recommendations.

Notranjerevizijska služba opravlja naloge, ki se nanašajo na notranje revidiranje v organizacijskih enotah ministrstva. Deluje kot neodvisna in nepristranska dejavnost dajanja zagotovil in svetovanja, zasnovana za dodajanje vrednosti in izboljševanje delovanja ministrstva. V njeni pristojnosti so priprava predpisov in postopkov za področje notranjega revidiranja ministrstva, ocenjevanje upravljanja organizacije, uspešnosti postopkov upravljanja tveganj ter uspešnosti in učinkovitosti kontrol. Prav tako ocenjuje in spremlja izvajanje notranjerevizijskih priporočil.